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Iris: First question! Why do you love yn?

Jk: I- because-

he taught for a while before letting out a sigh. Yes he didn't knew why but the only thing he knew is he love her.

Yoongi: Answer the question jungkook.

Jk: I don't know why but when I first saw her, she was stuck in my head. I didn't taught much about it at first but with time I started feeling something whenever I was with her or taught about her. It took me many days to figure out that it was love.

Everyone stayed in awe after listing to the romantic speech delivered by him.

Iris: Ahem- I'm impressed, jungkook-shii. So moving on to the next question-


Iris: Last question!! Would you still love yn if she was a worm??

Jk: A what??

Soohyun: Say yes SAY YES!!

Jk: Uh-- yes

Namjoon: Why would you even ask that?

Iris just shrugged at his question.

Soohyun: She even asked me these questions once and when I said no she was ready to breakup!

Everyone just stared at her in shock with lots of questions lingering in there head but no one had the courage to ask

Iris: Anyways congratulations jungkook-shii I'm impressed by your answers.

Jk: Does that mean your gonna help me?

Iris: As I promised yes

Hobi: But how will you do it? She wasn't even convinced by soohyun??

Iris: Just wait and watch

A sly smirk was plastered on her face as she picked up her phone and called someone and kept it on speaker. Everyone stayed silent as the ringing stoppd and a low beep was heard indicating the person has answered.

Yn: Hey

Iris: hii bae! What are you up to??

Yn: I have my finals in a month what do think I would be up to?

Iris: I assume your busy but spare me a few minutes.

Yn: Fine! Tell me.

Iris: Yn-ahh you love me right?

Yn: Ofcourse I do but why are you asking this?

Iris: You would do anything I ask you to right?

Yn: Uhh- as long as it's not killing you,

Iris: Agree to the marriage.

Yn: wait what? I taught you were against it?

Iris: well I was but I've changed my mind

Yn: Why are you suddenly changing your mind? Don't tell me the reason is soohyun!!

Iris: It's not him I just- you can say taught about it alot and now I think he is suitable for you

Yn: ( sighed heavily before a speaking ) I don't care if he is suitable iri-ii I just-- can't trust someone after what mark did

Iris: I know you that your trust is broken yurii but giving someone a chance to fix it isn't bad right? About mark, people change so forget about him hmm?

Yn: People change ( she mumered ).... Do you think I can trust him?

Iris: Well, I wouldn't be asking you to agree if I taught he isin't trustworthy, will I? Think about everything soohyun had done for you he never did something that could hurt you and he never will either. He just wants you to have a good life yumi I hope you won't disappoint him.

Yn stayed silent thinking carefully. She was right soohyun never did something to hurt her he always took care of her, gave her everything she asked for, he even took her in when she had no where to go, she could trust him right? After a long silence yn was sure about her decision.

Yn: You'r right fine I'll marry him.

Iris: I knew you wouldn't say no, take care of yourself and don't worry I'll tell them your decision. Byee

Yn: Hmm byee

As the call hung up the boys finally spoke overwhelmed with happiness

Soohyun: I never taught it would be that easy

Namjoon: It was smooth

Tae: I didn't taught the devil would ever agree

Iris: Well that devil is wrapped around my fingers

Yoongi: But why did you call her yumi?

Iris: That's her nickname

After a little talk they decided to go and meet yn. They went in there separate cars except namjoon, he went with jin. They didn't told her as they wanted to surprise her. On there way jungkook bought a bouquet as of showing how grateful he is to have her, iris bought some deserts and soohyun, well he bought all her favourites from chocolates to perfumes, it came to a point where his car's truck couldn't fit more.


They reached the mansion and went inside only to see it empty, iris went to check in her room while the boys settled
on the couches waiting. After a few minutes iris along with a pissed yn walked through the stairs, making them confused. They came and sat as yn greeted them

Soohyun: What's wrong yn?

Yn: Nothing..

Iris: She's pissed because I woke her up from her " beauty sleep "

Yn glared at iris to which she just rolled her eyes

They talked for a while, mostly about how happy they are and how jungkook will take good care of her. She felt flustered when jungkook gave her a bouque making her think if he really is happy or just pretending to be.

Her dark love Where stories live. Discover now