Lucile's info

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Full name: Lucile Daisy

belongs to: Maya Ann Jones (A/N: She's on Quotev)

Apperance: she has long white hair with light green eyes with patches of vitiligo all over her body

Apperance: she has long white hair with light green eyes with patches of vitiligo all over her body

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Parents :

Nerissa ( mother/ not the protector same for the other parents)

Galiel ( mother)

Orion ( father)

The color palette for her mermaid form

The color palette for her mermaid form

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Her mermaid form

(A/N: Some of the coulds are white to represent her vitiligo )

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(A/N: Some of the coulds are white to represent her vitiligo )

favorite places to be: in her parents bakery, the beach , her bedroom , and the kitchen 

hobbies: writing, cooking, and drawing 

Personality: she is welcoming, nice , caring, open minded, and very friendly 

likes: helping others, nice people , making desserts and being around her friends 

dislikes: not being able to help others, rude people and not being around her friends

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