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after having a quick breakfast with ryan, alison wished him goodbye and went back to her shared apartment with her sister, leah.

"look who's finally home." leah said as alison walked through the door.

leah was washing some dishes that were in the sink.

"hey, lee." alison greeted.

"spent the night at ryan's again?" leah asked, turning her head over her shoulder ever so slightly.


alison then looked around the house and sighed. "you had another 'get together?'"

there were some empty red solo cups, beer bottles, a bottle of vodka, balloons, and streamers littering the apartment.

"yeah. i promise it was just a get together this time. not like the last time." leah answered.

"okay, well just please clean this place. it looks like the smaller version of a frat house after a party." alison replied.

leah turned off the sink and turned around. "hey, little sisters aren't supposed to tell their big sisters what to do."

"if they're more responsible, they are." alison retorted.

"hey, i'm responsible." leah whined and crossed her arms.

alison nodded. "sure."

she then sighed. "i'm gonna go put my bag away then i'll be back so we can debrief our nights."

leah gave her a thumbs up. "k!"

alison went to her room and put her bag down on her bed.

she took all of her belongings out and put them where they needed to go before putting her bag away.

"alright." she sighed.

she then turned on her heel and went back to the living room.

"so how was your party?" alison asked as she plopped down on the couch.

leah looked up from the floor that she had just started sweeping.

"get together." she corrected.

"right, my mistake. get together. how was it?" alison asked.

"it was good, we had a lot of fun. i'm massively hungover and i wish i was sleeping, but i knew i had to start cleaning or your ass would be on me." leah answered with a roll of her eyes.

"you're right about that." alison agreed.

"how was your day and sleepover with ryan? mister cute and sexy heartthrob from the notebook." leah smirked.

alison shook her head. "shut up."

"he is, is he not?" leah raised her eyebrows.

"i mean, yeah, but not as many people notice him as i thought they would. i mean the movie's really popular and still somewhat new, people should still be fawning over him." alison replied.

"that's because he takes you places that are mostly private. or hides you when you do go to public places." leah responded.

"wh-what? n-no." alison stuttered. "no."

"he doesn't want people to think you're his girlfriend." leah continued.

"but i am his girlfriend." alison clarified.

"sure, but he doesn't want people thinking that. has he ever taken you to a place like a nice restaurant or, i don't know, an aquarium or something? somewhere where a lot of people would see you guys?" leah questioned.

"um, not really? sorta? i-i don't know."

"he hasn't. he wants you to be some secret summer fling, which is weird because ryan gosling doesn't do summer flings as we all know from high school, so you must be special. just not special...enough." leah shrugged.

she went back to sweeping, leaving alison sitting on the couch just thinking.

maybe leah was right.

maybe she wasn't special enough for ryan.


"hey, we're still on for tomorrow, yeah?" alison raised her eyebrows.

"we sure are. movie at your place." ryan replied.

alison thought for a moment.

they always did something at her or his place or somewhere private.

she wanted to change that.

she wanted to show leah that ryan did think she was special.

she let out a breath and swallowed.

"how about we go to the movies?" she suggested. "and see the notebook."

ryan was silent.

she wanted to go to the movies? with him? and see his movie?

sure, he liked alison. a lot, a whole lot, but he didn't want anyone seeing them and thinking she was a long-term girlfriend of his.

not that he didn't want her to be his long-term girlfriend, he couldn't have her as his long-term girlfriend.


was it because he had a reputation to keep up with?

no, it was because he was afraid of commitment.

the last time he committed to someone...it didn't go so well.

"you wanna see one of my movies?" he raised his eyebrows. "i'm okay with that, but i mean, we could just buy it."

"but i think it would be more fun to go and see it." she replied.

he swallowed and nodded to himself. "okay. let's do it. i'll pick you up around three then...maybe i'll take you to dinner?"

he then squeezed his eyes shut and alison smiled and bit her lip.

"that sounds perfect. i'll see you tomorrow."

"see you. bye, baby."

"bye, ry."

they hung up and ryan sat down on his couch and sighed while alison smiled and blushed.

alison was beyond excited and ryan had no idea what he was doing.

i'm so happy i got back to updating this story.

lea <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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