Prologue - The Fall

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~cover image found on Pinterest from @lellelele~

Three nights. Three nights since Frisk went to explore the dense woods surrounding Mount Ebott. Your footsteps echo throughout the worn-down room at a quickening pace, the air in your lungs fighting against your chest. Scenario after dreaded scenario run across your mind, worsening with each second. You both know the stories surrounding the mountain, tales of children going too far and never being seen again. Sometimes, maybe once or twice a year, you swear you can hear a child's screams . . . or laughter. Despite all warning, you could see the look in Frisk's eye. They wanted to go up the mountain, it was almost as if something, or someone, was calling to them. You hate to admit that you have that same feeling, that intrusive curiosity that would poke and prod at your mind until it was satisfied. Even so, you both knew the risks. The only difference: Frisk took it.

With one slow breath, your resolve strengthens, and you rush to grab your hiking bag. You kept most of the supplies from your last trip prepared, but this is a whole new situation. Shoving extra clothes and food supplies anywhere you can fit, your mind prepares for the worst. You have no idea how long you'll be gone nor how you're going to find Frisk, but you do know that if anything happens to them, you will make someone pay. Frisk was there for you when no one else was, it's time to make sure you returned the favor.

Continuing to pack, you hesitate as you reach for your hunting knife. Frisk never liked the thought of using violence, insisting on any other method. Memories of the time the both of you ran into a coyote flash, and you laugh. It was a maybe a few months after you moved here, around three years ago. Although they tend to hunt alone, you knew that others could be close and took out your knife. With absolutely no hesitation, Frisk grabbed your arm and started to drag you away. At the time you were angry, worried that their attitude will only cause them to get hurt. Their optimistic mind was always something you adored, but all you can think of now is how their pacifist ways could be turning against them. With renewed motivation, you shove the knife into your holster. It's time to find Frisk.


A cool breeze flows in and between the trees, the rustling of leaves is the only thing that keeps you company. Orange and pink have begun to fill the sky. Logically, you know you should get ready to make camp, but how can you rest when Frisk is God knows where? They could be scared out of their mind, alone and hurt. Your feet move without your mind to guide them. There is no way in hell you are going to waste another second in searching for Frisk. It may be illogical, but who would you be without a bad decision here and there?

The terrain continuously gets more and more uneven as you trek up the mountain. The combined effects of your exhaustion and overpacked luggage slow your movements, and your senses. Shadows seem to flick in and out of your view, yet they don't seem, malicious? You're unsure whether this is a symptom of sleep deprivation or pure desperation, but you decide to follow where they lead. Questions dance in your mind, you don't think they'll answer, even so-

"H-Hey! Where are you taking me?" A voice you hardly recognize calls out. You realize that since Frisk has been missing, you haven't spoken, and you've barely had water since you left the cabin. How long has it been? How far have you traveled? There isn't much light left, yet you keep following. You're not sure why, any rational person would have immediately turned around the moment some strange forest absurdity happened, but something tells you this is where you need to be. It feels . . . familiar. You wonder if Frisk had the same experience, if this is how they got lost, and if you're about to succumb to that same fate. Lost in thought, you are hardly paying attention to where the figures have led you. You don't notice as you walk through a bush, that the shadows are no longer with you.

And you fall.

*lil A/N*

I'll probably end up changing this from second to third person perspective in future chapters. This made sense for the prologue, it all depends on how I feel like doing it so we'll see.

AND I PROMISE THE TONE WILL GET LESS SERIOUS. It's not all gonna be dark and professional writing, we'll get sillier and have some fun (plus larger chapters yiPPEE).

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