Man of my Dreams

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It's 5 in the morning a peaceful music awake Tihti, she woke up from the bed saying, " A Monday morning again along week ahead, let's get started for the morning". She wakes up does her morning works then process to her leaving room turning on the TV on exercise channel, she does a couple of workouts and stretches after that she takes a bath, does her skin care, then proceeds by makeup Tithi is a very aesthetic person, she likes everything organised and perfect, her little apartment is a vibe. She then makes her coffee and breakfast, while making breakfast she books uber to her work. She had her breakfast, done with all the morning routines, wore her shoes and walks off to her work. Down on the footpath, she waits for uber but as it was getting late she decided to cancel the uber and starts working towards her office, with the intention in mind that she might get a lift from someone. As she started walking a car stop right in front of her, three men dressed in black called her name, "Miss Tithi", they paused then continued, "You have to come with us, it's an order from our boss". Tithi said, " No, I can't I have work to attend, I have to go to work otherwise your boss will not pay my apartment rent, neither he will pay all my expenses, so I will not move from my place, I want to see what your boss does to me, now bye".  Saying that Tithi tries to leave confidently, but the man where so big and strong, that one man was enough to lift her and put her in the car. Tithi tumbled her legs, screamed, sweared, to the boss they were talking about. The men were very respectful to her as she was their Queen or something. Tithi was tensed, she thought, " Who was the boss ? Who are this men ? Where are the taking me?  Who is behind all this ? Is there someone from my past ? Do I remember someone ? Or is this is my future ?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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