97~ A new Step

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Ardhansh's POV
[A week Later]

Rain droplets rolled down my office window as it rained outside, and I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

It's been a week since I last saw her or my sons. I haven’t meddled in her life or invaded her privacy, trying to stay true to my own words.

My mind is already a mess from seeing Adhi's condition not improving. She isn't responding to any therapies or medications.

I wonder, what's the difference between her and a dead body?

She just keeps crying, having nightmares, and trying to injure herself. She doesn't look at me or acknowledge my presence.

Even my mom isn't talking to me, and I don’t need to think twice about the reason. I'm ashamed to meet their gazes anymore.

I prefer to come to the office early and leave late at night, skipping meals, doing late-night work, and if needed, wasting the whole night with smokes and drinks.

I miss her—her smell, her voice, her smile, her body, every fucking thing. An addiction is unhealthy, but it's even worse when you have an addiction to a woman.

And My addiction has been always one Woman.

"Sir, the presentation is ready... Needs your sign so we can proceed..." Akhil's voice broke through my thoughts.

I glanced at the papers he placed before me and signed them with a heavy hand.

Noticing his tense muscles, I narrowed my eyes at him. "I’m eating you alive." He immediately shook his head, looking everywhere but at me.

I chuckled at his discomfort."Take a leave and spend some quality time with your girlfriend," I told him, remembering he is now officially in a relationship with Riddhima. His face lit up at my words, a stark contrast to my own desolation.

A blush came over his cheeks but immediately vanished, causing me to doubt his inner thoughts.

"You want to say something?" I asked and he gulped hard, confirming my suspicion.

"What's it?" I pressed, staring at him without blinking. But he fidgeted with his fingers, avoiding my gaze.

"Good morning, Arsh..." My attention shifted to the doorway where Yagya stood with a wide smile on his lips.

He walked in and signaled Akhil to leave. Akhil quickly followed the cue, but I didn't miss the exchange of glances between them.

"What's going on?" I asked Yagya, my curiosity piqued by their silent communication through eyes.

"You look so happy," I remarked.

He nodded, replying, "We are expecting again."

I narrowed my eyes at him, teasing, "Isn't that too soon after quarreling like hyenas for divorce?"

He chuckled, "That's the result of that quarrel only."

"Congrats, Kapoor. Hope I’ll get a cute daughter-in-law," I teased.

He laughed and answered. "I would happily marry off my daughter to any poor fellow rather than tie her to any Fucker Singhaniya, I don't want toxicity in my daughter's life."

My lips twitched. He wasn’t joking.

"Did she cheat?" I asked.

He shook his head with a pleasant smile. "She can never."

"Then?" I asked.

"I’m just an asshole."

"You are," I remarked, staring at his blooming face. Slowly, his smile vanished.

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