‧₊˚ ☾ ⋅ ELEVEN ‧ ☽ ˚₊⋅

496 22 9

js a heads up, I updated the whole book (ALL the chapters) like I said in my announcements, and I made some major & minor changes so pls go check them out so you're not confused in these upcoming chapts <3

· · ── ·⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆· ── · ·

After Sei took you away, you were bedridden and Sei forbade anyone to visit you while you were healing.  Of course, Sukuna was incredibly irritated at first that he couldn't see you, but he quickly got over that after he devised a plan to secretly see you every night without Sei knowing muahahah

And so . . . Sukuna first had to figure out where the heck you were. No matter how hard he tried, Sei wouldn't tell him where exactly you were. She figured he would ignore her and try to see you anyway. But it's not like it was impossible to find you, you were in the village. It wasn't small, but it wasn't exactly the largest either. It would probably take Sukuna some time for him to find you eventually.

He visited your home, and he found all the rooms empty. He visited the guard towers, only to earn the stink eye from all the soldiers. Sukuna simply punched a large hole in their stone tower, which quickly planted fear in them and they never looked at Sukuna again. Serves them right . . .

(omg so idk if you guys have noticed but usually I use italics for their thoughts, I hope you guys have noticed that, otherwise its prolly really confusing ;_;)

He even visited the Chief:

"Ah, Mr. Sukuna! Welcome back-" The Chief humbly smiles at him, but Sukuna raises a hand to his face.

The council behind him gasped at the disrespect as Sukuna disregarded his greeting, "Where is (Y/N)."

The Chief only laughs, "Oh, you're looking for her? I would check her home-"

"Not there." Sukuna shakes his head, looking to the side in thought, "She's not at the guard towers, she's not at the well, she's not even in her own house-"

"Ah, she must still be recovering!" The Chief snaps his fingers, realizing, "Have you checked Sei's infirmary?"

Sukuna raises his brow, "And where might that be?"

After the Chief described what her building looks like, pointing west, and bidding him good luck. It wasn't until Sukuna took a few steps out the door and headed west that he realized most of the village looked the same. They are all built similarly with straw and logs on the roofs. 

Sukuna sighs dreadfully, "This will take forever."

Only it didn't take very long. Sukuna noticed a line of people in front of a building that matched the description perfectly. The villagers held gift baskets of food and all sorts of nicknacks. They must be for (Y/N).

He was about to head inside until Sei opened the door. He quickly hid out of her sight.

"Alright, everyone! (Y/N) graciously gives you her thanks for your support and gifts, but she needs to be isolated for a while. Please, place her gifts here by my infirmary or drop them off at her home. She will recover soon!" Sukuna hears Sei announce.

The people erupt in sounds of disappointment and sadness, but they all scatter. As Sei heads back inside, Sukuna ceases from hiding and inspects the building. It had stairs, most definitely, as it was very tall with many rooms. There were about 5 floors, and each had one large room with a patient. Was this the only hospital they had for the entire village? It was so . . . small. Maybe Aokigahara has healing magic and the people rarely fall ill.

All the villagers left and Sukuna was alone in the dark looking up at the building. Which floor would she likely be in? It doesn't matter, Sukuna will search every floor. He starts by climbing up the sides of the building. Thankfully, some crevices in the wood posts and stones sticking out allowed him to climb more easily. There were holes in the wall of each floor, acting as windows. They had curtains with light shining through from the inside.

[▶] ‧₊˚ ☾ ⋅ 𝝖S𝝦𝝞Ɍ𝝞𝝢Ᏽ 𝝡𝝤Ɍ𝝩𝝖Ⳑ ❍ Ryomen Sukuna x Reader ‧ ☽ ˚₊⋅Where stories live. Discover now