Seventeen Days Of Torture

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Serena to Season 17 TF/TG/MC

Serena was a 20 hear old girl who worked as a cashier at a store called "Wall-Marcus". Despite her lovely name, she was anything but that.

She was a typical serious, and miserable cashier who didn't even pretend to be happy-go-lucky. She only showed her true colors, and didn't care whatever happened to the customers. She only cared about getting paid.

But she can still definitely defend herself! You see, she may look like all bark and no bite, she was 50/50, half bark, and half bite.

She often uses SHARP weapons to defend herself with. She is never playing around at all, and often VERY serious if she feels her life is in actual danger.

So yeah, she made it far...

...but she won't be making it for very long!

Today, she was working again. She was her usual self, being all serious and not even trying to be nice at all. Then, she met a peculiar customer.

An old lady who claimed that her name was..."Animatic"...

"Hm. Weird name." Serena mentioned.

But the old lady was still sweet, and had a sweet voice too. She was buying some vegetables for her "sweet grandchildren" or something...Serena wasn't paying attention.

As Serena was scanning the items...she heard bones cracking. And, her suspicions were right. This wasn't an old lady at all! When the transformation was finished, Animatic was towering over her now.

"HI THERE SE-" Animatic tried to say hello, but then Serena grabbed a whole dagger from her knee and sliced his face!

Animatic screeched and stood back. He was actually BLEEDING...a dark blue blood...he hissed as he felt around, trying to grab Serena...

Serena then got away from the cashier register and then sprinted off deeper into the store...

She continued to run and run until she hit the very end of the store. She then breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath...she then got back up and looked around...

Suddenly...the lights went out...

It was very dark, she almost couldn't see anything! She then felt around and grabbed a flashlight. She turned it on and now she could finally see.

She then walked around, but she wants stupid. She knew full well that the 2d creature was still lurking around...hunting for her...

Then...the speakers seemingly turned themselves on...playing some creepy song...

(Now imagine yourself in this situation. What would you do?)

She was actually pretty disturbed by the song...even if she never heard of this song at all, she was still creeped out by it...

Then she realized that to Animatic, this was a literal game...Animatic was playing with his food...while Animatic was the predator, Serena was the prey...

[At the end of the song]

She then bumped into something. She thought it was the exit, so she grabbed it...but felt it move...she then slowly looked up and saw...Animatic...

"THERE YOU ARE!!!" Animatic happily screamed out before grabbing her by the neck and POP! they were gone...

Serena then found herself in the Animatic Battle world...with the grass being very flat, and the bushes being red...

Then, Animatic grabbed her dagger, threw it away, then grabbed her arm before biting into it, while making sure his bite was EXTRA extra painful...

She screamed in pain, like, the loudest scream you could ever heard like-

Then Animatic slammed her down into the ground and then just dissapeared, off to find some other poor human victim. Then, the transformation began...

Serena looked down to see her arms turning thinner and thinner...but she wasn't too bothered, as she clearly had bigger problems...

When her arms were now very thin and were pitch black, her legs suffered the same fate. She then felts jolt between her womanhood.

She groaned (you read that wrong...didn't you?) in pain as she felt her womanhood shriveled up into nothingness. Even though she was genderless, she felt like a HE...

He felt his cashier outfit on his becoming tighter and tighter by the second..then...RIIIIIIIP! his outfit had just...burst open! His body now looked like the word "S" and 2 numbers like "17".

He felt his eyes sting a lot, so he then shut them closed tightly. When he opened them back up, they were small and beady. His mouth then simplified into a line and his hair fell into clumps.

"...well, this isn't the worst thing that has happened." Serena muttered, not bothered by his new voice. He then felt a head she emerge in his head.

Seasena 1 then felt memories of his childhood fade quicker than cotton candy in water...high school? What's on earth is that? College? Nope, doesn't exist to him. Relationships? Never had one before and after the TF.

Seasona 1 then remembered that he was competing on Animatic Battle, in a team called "Happy Meatball".

Now, Serena was a finally dead, and Season 17 stood where she once was.

"Ugh...that was quite a strange feeling!" Season 17 announced before going off to find his team.


Up next: Leo to Landscape TF/MC

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