The Party

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A few days later, the lounge area of Avengers tower was full of people enjoying the party. Old SHIELD agents, workers from STARK Industries, even some old WWII Veterans, guests of Steve of course. Y/N came fashionably late, wearing a black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black dress pants.

Thor: Y/N my friend! Glad you could make it!

Thor gave Y/N a hard slap on the back causing Y/N to laugh at this

Y/N: Wouldn't miss it for the world Thor

Thor: Come have a drink with Tony and I

Y/N and Thor walked over to where Tony was talking to Maria and Rhodey and Rhodey began telling one of his War Machine stories

Rhodey: So you know the suit can take the weight, right? So I take the tank, fly it right up to the generals palace, drop it at his feet and I'm like "BOOM! You looking for this?"

Y/N, Thor and Tony looked at Rhodey as he finished his story, unimpressed but still smiling politely

Rhodey: "Boom! Are you..." Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else that story kills

Thor: That's the whole story?

Rhodey: Yeah it's a War Machine story

Thor: Oh then it's very good then, impressive

Y/N chuckled as he patted Rhodey on the shoulder

Rhodey: Qualoty save. So no Pepper, not coming?

Maria: What about Jane, where are the ladies, gentleman?

Y/N: Well mine is right over there

Y/N pointed to where Nat was talking to Clint, she noticed him looking towards her and smiled and waved at him which he reciprocated.

Tony: Well Miss Potts has a company to run

Thor: Yes and I'm not even sure what country Jane's in, her work on the convergence has made her the worlds foremost astronomer

Tony: And the company that Pepper runs is the largest tech conglomerate on Earth, it's pretty exciting

Thor: There's even talk of Jane getting a uh, Nobel Prize?

Maria, Rhodey and Y/N all exchanged amused glances

Maria: Yeah they must be busy because they'd hate missing you guys get together *coughs* testosterone, oh excuse me

Y/N laughed as Rhodey played along with it

Y/N: I'll catch up with you guys later

Y/N broke away from the group and went to mingle with the guests

Later on Y/N was with Steve and Thor with the WWII veterans, Thor was pouring himself, Steve and Y/N drinks from a flask he brought from Asgard

Vet: I got to have some of that

Thor: No no no no. see this was aged for a thousand years, in the barrells built from the wreck of Brunhildes fleet, it is not meant for mortal men

Stan Lee: Neither was Omaha Beach blondy, stop trying to scare us, come on

Thor: Alright

Thor then poured him a drink just as Y/N took a sip from his and coughed

Y/N: Woah! Even I can feel how strong this is

Not to long later the Veterans were seen passed out drunk or were being helped out of the room

Stan Lee: Excelsior

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