20 • THE KING & I

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The next day, at the first light of dawn, the cock crows, the gulls cawed in the sky, birds chirped and the wind blew in flurry of leaves.

The wheel house traveled into the Crownlands, the journey from Old Town was tedious and rough. No road ran between two cities, meaning the carriage took dirty passage ways through the sprawling forest of Kings Wood.

Gwayne sat quietly reading a book, while his aurburn haired sister was looking out the window with exhilaration, any moment from now, they'd reach Kings Landing.

Alicent stomach fluttered, she was nervous, hadn't been close to her father, and now she would be joining him at court and meeting noblemen and comely maidens. Astounding.

Bearing the striking resemblance of her late mother, beautiful inside out, at least that's what she believes, except for the people around her who tends to always try to have a say in her life and compare her to her elder sister Charlotte.

It irks her, to be second best, but that will not mar nor break her, Kings Landing would be fun and she'll try all her best to avoid drama or butt heads with Charlotte, even though there wasn't a soul she couldn't charm, Alicent will always see sister as a cunning fellow.

Ten years, she never replied to her letters? Uncouth behavior, who in their right mind, on this earth will have a cold heart to ignore their sibling letters? Alicent thought.

The auburn haired couldn't wait to meet her elder sister and give her a piece of her mind when she's settled in.

Suddenly an uproar is heard in the sky as Alicent look up to see a huge shadow cross them like night, widening her brown orbs in astonishment, she sees a silver dragon taking flight over the woods in the sky. It had black scales in red wings, it shrieked and screeched in sky, flapping its wings like thunder, causing the horses to neighs and guffs.

"Gods have mercy." She gaps.

"I saw it too." Gwayne concurs, looking out the window, mouth agape on the side of the carriage. "It's the King."

Alicent turns to her brother. "You mean to say the person flying that huge dragon is King Maegor?"

"Mmmhmm. He rides the twin dragon of Aegon the conqueror."

"Balerion died during King Viserys reign." Alicent seemed confused.

"It did, but there was another dragon, a she-dragon that nested on DragonStone, it was Daenys dragon. Valérieon. She refused to get claimed during the conquest, until during King Jaehaerys reign, his grandson claimed it and now her rider is the King of the Seven Kingdoms." Gwayne narrates, inclining his head.

"I often wonder how the targaryens felt in sky on their dragons."

"Powerful, they're closer to the gods than we are. But I hear King Maegor himself, strangely, is as much an enigma to his contemporaries as to us. Often armed with the Valyrian steel blade Blackfyre, he is counted amongst the greatest warriors of his age, yet he takes no pleasure in feats of arms, and never rode in tourneys or melees like his younger brother, Daemon." Gwayne remarked.

"The rogue prince, rumour has if that he's violent and brutal."

"Not as violent as King Maegor, he's a dangerous man. His mount is Valérion, often patrolled and travel swiftly across land and sea. His presence is very intimidating, he put great trust in his small council, yet governs the realm, and he doesn't hesitate to take command when he found it necessary. Though he deals harshly with rebels and traitors mercilessly like his namesake." Gwayne explains.

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