12- characteristics

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" Err...I'm not getting you ?" She said as she chuckled..
He didn't say a word again he just looked at her expecting what he ordered her to do ..
" Are you serious " she got annoyed..
" why would I pull my shirt infront of you ?"
" To be sure your a guy "
The sentence stabbed her ears..
" S..sure?" She whispered..
" And if you don't do it now I would call someone to hold on to you while I check myself "
" huh.. " she felt a very terrible chill..
" I'm waiting "..
" Do u suspect me?" She asked him..
She clenched her fist ..
" Do u trust me ?" She added..
" hmm..for now , No" he replied..
She reached for the edge of her dress as she just stood closing her eyes shaking a bit..
Konan stood up and pinned her to the wall..
" so your hiding something after all" he whispered into her ears..
" huh..let ..go of me" her two hands were held by one of  konan hands above her head and the grip he used was really intense ..
He moved he's hands to the edge of her shirt and raised it up without second thoughts as he was surprised by what he saw..

" Go over to konan's room and call the both of them to my office " Tomigah said to one of the guy standing besides him..
" understood sir" The guy said bowing before disappearing...

" you..you have so many scars.. " konan said surprised..
Konan was not more surprised as Reah..
She now really have a man's body..
" WHAT!!!!" She shouts..
" How.. how come ?" She whispered..
" oh my goodness , the scars look old but I can see how deep it is "  he said worried..

At the woods when leucos called her to the woods..
" Reah , there's a ghoul in that school "
" Ghoul ?"
" yes ..there really dangerous and once there suck your blood or get in contect with your heart there would take your characteristics of being a human or a vampire .." he added..
" Just got that info ..please don't let any one get close to you or else it would be more easier for them to take your characteristics since your faking an identity.. ; Take care "
" shit, Stella is ..a" she turned and saw her standing  at the door ...
" Hey Stella,
She smiled as she flashed out..
Konan was confused..
Reah ran after her..
" Atleast I know he's really a guy , but that day when he raised he's shirt he had curvy waist but now it's .." he said in he's thoughts ..
A guy appeared inside the room as he bowed..
" Sir, Mr tomigah request you and Mito should meet him at he's office now "
"Mito is not here "
Konan replied collapsing on the bed..
" huh"

Stella stopped as Reah stopped too..
" What did u do to me ?" Reah said annoyed..
"Ain't you suppose to be thanking me , konan could had known who you truly are"
she said smiling ..
" I didn't ask for your help " Reah shouts ..
" oh my , now you sound so much like a man" she chuckled..
" Reah , that's a ghoul" leucos said behind her..
" I.. know"
" you got guts leucos, your not suppose to be in this land..Well, may be if i take your head to the king he would raise up my rank ..don't you think ?" 
" Leucos, I'm.. now a guy " Reah said worried..
" I know , she took your characteristics of being a woman since she's one ..but now there's nothing you can do except you find a male ghoul to take this characteristics and then you would be back in being a woman.." leucos added..
Stella laughed..
" I can see your the smart brain here leucos, but sorry to burst your bubble ..I'm the only ghoul in this school "
" you idoit , but atleast your not the only ghoul that exist" Reah shouts...
" Atleast you can use this form to an advantage for a while" leucos suggested..
" Yes, I know "
Stella became annoyed..
" How dare you use it to an advantage, your suppose to be on your knees right now begging me to give you your characteristics back "
" That's because you can't "
Leucos said ..
" Ghouls take characteristics in as food or let me say source of mana, obviously you knew Reah was a girl and pretending to be a guy so you thought if she  became a man she would rush into conclusion and maybe serve  you "
Stella angrily kicked a tree closed to her the tree cut off and fell..
" Shut up!!"
" You..know everything "
She added ..
" There's one thing your wrong about Stella, even thou your to cut my head off..I'm never serving you or bowing down to any one " Reah said with grat cordiality..
Stella laughed...
" Then i guess plan A was a success and a failure..then I would go to Plan B.."
" huh?"..
Stella raise her hands as Bella appeared unconscious on the floor next to her..
" I guess one of my friend found a new toy " Stella said as she smirked..
" so i decided to borrow he's toy for a while"
" BELLA!!" Reah shouts..
" damn" leucos whispered..
Stella held bella's hair ..
" see ya" she disappeared with her..
" BELLA!!"
" Reah please calm down or else you would bring everyone out here" leucos whispered..
Reah fell to the ground on a sitted position ..
" What if there hurt her?"
" she would be fine , trust me ..She is just using her as an hostage .. To get you to expose yourself "
" But then how am I going to save bella?"
" if i figure out anything I would inform you immediately please go back to the dorm and secondly don't tell anyone about what just happened ..not even Ren"  he added before disappearing..

" I don't feel like staying at konan's today ..I feel so disgust after he saw my body even thou i was in a man's form.." she said in her thoughts as she raised her shirt..
" oh yeah , the lace might had fell off when i was after Stella, since there was nothing holding it " she added..
She stopped at Ren's door..
She was a little scared..not scared thou but was holding back when she wanted to knock..
She then finally gave the door a calm knock..
About 15 seconds later Ren opened the door and was surprised to see her ..
" Reah?"

" I'm not suppose to tell you but I don't think I can hide that from you " she whispered..
" so..your a man now ?"
" For the mean time till I find a male ghoul "
" your lucky you told me , I know where to find those "
" Really ?" She exclaimed..
" Yes, but it's kind of a long journey " he added..
" I would go anywhere "
" Its a land called " Blud"
" Blud?" She asked confused..
" yes..since there shed blood everyday , ghouls eat human flesh and take characteristics for mana"
He said calmly..
" so, how did Stella get enrolled in the school?"
" There under our category of being a vampire so there can come to our land anytime and we can too, but She was suppose to be watched because she's not our kind ..I wonder of she killed her guidance ?"
" so now , she would be barnished?"
" No..because no one know about what she did and if there are to know you would be in trouble "
" ohh..I see"
" I would make arrangement of when were going to leave "
" Thank you "
She said facing the ground ..
" It's okay "
" Well, you can take your bath in the bathroom and I can give you some of my clothes to wear "
" Thank you very much Ren, your a reliable friend "

" you wore only the shirt ?" He asked..
" Yes, the trousers seem too big and long and .." She paused..
" Don't worry only the shirt can do " she said ..
" okay ... your really so short " he chuckled..
" My T-shirt reached you down to your knees.., and it doesn't even cover your whole hands instead it swallowed it " he began to laugh..
As she felt embarrassed..
" Shut up, don't mock me " she said entering the bed..
" sorry , I couldn't help it " he said still laughing..
Ren had arranged a mat and cover on the floor as he was laid on it..
" Gud night " he whispered as he turned off the light..

Ren stood up walking to the bed..
He looked at her continuously ..
" Even thou your a guy now , your still seductive " he said in he's thoughts looking at her neck and shoulders..
He leaned down to her ..
He brushed her lips gently, and still leaned towards her wanting to kiss her..
" Konan.. I'm sorry " she whispered but she was still asleep..
Ren paused..
" Konan?" He whispered..
As he laid besides her..
" I promise to protect you and that means from demons like Konan, I swear I would kill him" he said as he wrapped he's arms around her body ..

That morning ..
Konan was banging on everyone's door checking inside there room..
" open up" he shouts..
The person opened...
" What's your problem konan ?" Konan just looked around and walked out ..
" Not there too" he whispered ..
He just keep going from door to door bringing people out ..
" What's wrong with him ?" A guy asked.
" Have no idea" another guy replied..
He kept checking the rooms..
He then reached the last door{Ren's room}
He banged on it ..
" huh.." Reah opened her eyes slightly being aroused by the noise..
" Open up Ren" he shouts..
People who was outside began to murmur ..
" Ren?" Konan shouts..
" huh.. it's konan " Reah said surprised sitting up as Ren did the same..
" so what ?" he asked..
" What if he sees us like this ?"
Ren placed he's hands on her shoulders..
" That's why I want him to see us like this.."
" I'm going to come in since you don't want to open " Konan said angrily as he matched the door to the ground breaking it ..
" uhh.. Konan.. "
Konan was surprised but he's anger covered it ..
The people outside kept murmuring ..
" oh my , Ren is into guys ?" A girl asked disappointed..
" Mito is into guys too" Another one said ..
" BL" One of the girls shouted drooling ..
" Mito..what are you doing here?" Konan asked..
" I.. I didn't wanted to sleepover at your side "
She replied with her face buried in ren's body..
{She was acting that way so as to make konan feel how painful it was for him sleeping over at another person's dorm leaving her alone ..She hated the feeling of loneliness}
Konan walked to her and angrily dragged her from Ren..
" let's go"

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