2. ~Take off~

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Noah's pov:
As I found and sat in my seat, I watched as the same brunette attended stood up in from of first class, an audio starting to play.

As the safety audio playing, I felt myself getting distracted, admiring the handsome flight attendant. I think I was paying more attention to his beautiful looks more than the presentation he was giving.

"Make sure they are-" my thoughts stopped at the sudden cut in audio. I looked at the brunette's face, seeing him take a deep sigh. Probably frustrated. He starts talking on his attached walkie talkie.

"Sorry for the inconvenience." His beautiful British accent fills first class. "I'll be talking go through the safety protocols. If you have any questions, Hannah and I will be floating around the aircraft during the flight."
I guess Hannah was the other flight attendant.

"Make sure you secure any carry on items under the seat in front of you completely. Any luggage in the overhead cabins will be secure, be aware when opening them at the end of our flight, as things may have shifted."

For some reason, I start nodding as he explains the information. I don't know what the fuck is happening. I don't give to shits about anyone, but he really has my attention.

This is a safety thing for everyone to hear, but I notice other people watching him and for some reason it makes me mad. I know they would be watching. I lean back in my seat.

"Please take this time to acknowledge the four emergency exits on the aircraft. Two in the front, and two in the back." He points to them with his hands.

I look to where he pointed, acknowledging the exit he pointed to, looking back at the flight attendant. Now that I think about it, that uniform looks really good on him. I wonder what he'd look like without them... NOPE. Why did I think that!
I mentally slap myself.

"You are to remain buckled at all times, even when the seatbelt sign is off. To use your seatbelt, take the buckle and push them together until you hear a click." He demonstrated with an extra seatbelt. "To tighten the seatbelt, you're going to oh pull on the extra belt. To unbuckle, lift the handle in the buckle until it comes apart."

I watch as the brunette demonstrates both buckling and unbuckling along with tightening the belt, taking in a mental note, even though I fly around all the time. I wonder what it would be like to have him over here, helping me with the buckle... the brunette leaning over me, his probably sweet smell in my face...

"In case of an emergency, each and every seat has two life vest. If instructed by the pilot or flight attendant, you may rip it open and place it on your shoulders." The brunette demonstrates. "You can blow air into it manually or pull this red handle like I'm doing here."

"Oxygens masks will fall from their compartments above you. Place them around your mouth and nose and breathe normally. Even if I'd doesn't seem like oxygen is flowing, it is." He demonstrates this as well. "Please do your own mask before helping others."

I chuckle quietly again as my thoughts go back to the flight attendant leaning over me. My mine kept going into dirty thoughts. I started to think what it would feel like to have the brunettes breath on his neck. Once again, I slap myself across the face mentally, going back to listening to the be oxygen mask instructions.

"Thank you for flying with us and we hope your flight is wonderful." The brunette finished speaking.

He walked over to my seat.

"So, you're the one I gotta keep an eye on?" He asks but it sounds more like a statement.

I looked up at the flight attendant after he walked over here to my seat. I don't mind at all having him standing over my seat. I chuckle a bit before speaking up.
"What makes you think I need to be watched?"

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you have weapons in the aircraft?" He says seriously, but then quietly laughs. "Your lucky security let you through. I know this is for your job, but you never know who to trust these days. Especially with weapons on an aircraft."
That last sentence came out flat. He sat down on the aisle seat next to mine.

My eyebrow slowly rose as he explained.
"You're a quick one, I'll give you that. So what? You're just supposed to watch me?" I ask him.

"Don't think I don't know who you are." He says to me.

My eyebrow rose more. I was slightly shocked the brunette knew who I was, but I was also impressed. I was really just wondering how he knew who I was. I'm not even in the country I have my gang in.
"How could you possibly know who I am? You some kind of genius or something? I never even told you my name."

"You run one of the BIGGEST Mafia gangs.
The flight attendants face looked impressed.
"Noah Carter."

My eyes widen just slightly as he said that. I love the fact that he knows who I am. Even more so because I found him interesting.
"Damn you really do know who I am. How'd you even find that out? I don't live in Britain. Forget it, I'm not even known here."

"We aren't even in Britain. We just flew out of Italy." He corrected me.

"Well, I know that, but you seem like you're from Britain." I say.

"Why because of my accent- I'm kidding, I am from Britain." He laughs quietly. " I read articles about you. I think you're really interesting. Just don't do anything stupid with those weapons, I don't wanna have to use violence."

I chuckle at his joking. "Don't worry love, o only brought them due to work. I would do anything stupid, especially in from of a hotshot like you."

"Love, eh?" He giggles.

I lightly snickered at his giggling. A flirtatious smirk slowly appearing on my face as I look deeper at his face.
"What? I'm only calling you what you are, Love. A pretty, handsome man like you deserves a nickname, don't you think so?"

"He was about to talk, but quickly shut himself up. "I would engage with this, but I think I'd get fired."

My smirk slightly dropped, but only a little.
"Aw, I sure you wouldn't get fired. It's not like I'm gonna tell anyone about our conversation, hell, I wouldn't tell anyone I was flirting with a handsome flight attendant like you."

"It's not that you would, it's just the fact that we're in a plane, and it's kind of quiet, not to mention the people around us, like your friends that are sitting across the aisle." He looks over to Charlotte and Nicole with his eyes, not his head.

The plane starts to speed off the runway for take off.

"No one's even paying attention to us. Plus, I'm sure most of everyone is asleep right now, anyway." I say to him as he stand up.

"We can figure something out, but I need to pass water out for take off since some people get sick during this time." And just like that, he was gone, passing out water for the people who needed it.

Why am I thinking like this? I never, and I mean never, find people attractive.

Words: 1261

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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