Hell & Back

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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf; only Cassidy and the world surrounding her.

Hell & Back - Tonight Alive

I'm Back!

What's up everybody! I hope you all are having a fantastic summer so far!

If you haven't read my stories before this, I would definitely go back and read them through to understand what's going on.

So this story is based on 5X01-02 so SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE NEW EPISODES!

Welcome Back to Cassidy Snyder's World!

Hell & Back

So I packed up a bag and wentTwo months in the sun I spentI woke up everyday and smiledBecause I wanna be alive, well don't you?There's no use in feeling lowBut I never let myself downSo bad, so badBut I never thought I'd haveThe things I have, I have, that I haveCause it was the heaviest rain I ever felt on my skinIt was the heaviest place that I have ever been inAs the walls crashed down I felt it slip awayCause I went to hell and back just to be where I am today.

Bi-polar 2 disorder, or manic depression, is a form of mental illness. A person affected by bipolar 2 disorder has had at least one manic episode in their life. A manic episode is described as a period of abnormally elevated mood and high energy. But this person suffers from episodes of depression more often. There is a cycling between mania and depression.

That is the medical definition that you can find anywhere. What they don't tell you is how low those depression episodes can go or how long they would last. What they don't tell you is that when you feel happy one day and you think you're having a manic episode you're actually just feeling 'normal'. Whatever normal is.

They say to take your medication and you will get a handle on things. What they don't tell you is the side effects of said medication. That for the first few days all you'll want to do is sleep. You will have no appetite or will power to even drink water out of a straw. They don't tell you that it feels like you can feel your skin crawling.

But you pull through it.

Cassidy can say that for a fact. Six weeks in Arizona had her go through a whirlwind. The first week there she was willing and up for anything they asked of her. She went to her daily meetings and the activities that were offered. The second week, however, was painful. For a few days she stayed locked up in her room whenever she had free time. Her room along with the entire facility was very nice.

But her bed was her safe haven. A few of the girls told her it was normal to come off of such a high into what she felt. Her feelings were set on going home. She just wanted to be back in Beacon Hills and be with her family and friends. She wasn't allowed contact with anyone outside of Cottonwood. She got to talk to her parents and siblings every Sunday for only an hour. She got to talk to Isaac a few times by insisting to the staff that he was her brother, which was true enough. She also snuck in two calls to Lydia but that had been it. Her phone was taken away from her on admission so she could heal.

By the end of the third week though she had pulled herself out of the funk she had found herself in. And for once in her life she was opening up and talking. Her favorite thing that they let her do was a rock climbing wall and archery. Her day was planned out from 7AM to 10:30PM and she was grateful for it. It was incredibly hot in Arizona in the summer, being near or over 100 degrees every day, but she loved it. It was almost calming to her.

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