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Thunder roared overhead as lightning streaked across the darkened sky, illuminating the dilapidated oil rig that had been repurposed into a clandestine laboratory. The relentless rain hammered down, mixing with the oil and grime to create a slick, treacherous surface that shimmered with the eerie glow of multicolored lights—reds warning of danger, yellows cautioning to tread carefully, and greens signaling unclear pathways.

Alarms blared from the upper platforms of the rig, slicing through the cacophony of the storm. Below, two figures—a human and an Inkling—raced up the metallic staircases, their boots clanging against the steel grates with urgent, echoing thuds. Close behind them, a series of heavy, menacing footsteps revealed they were not alone; others were in hot pursuit.

The human and his Inkling companion were desperately making their way towards an old, weather-beaten helicopter perched precariously at the highest point of the rig. As they neared the halfway mark of their ascent, they paused momentarily, gasping for breath under the relentless rain.

???1: Where's Angelfish?

???2: Doesn't matter! Keep moving!

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows—an Inkling, but not just any. Its eyes glowed with an unnatural, eerie light, its body movements jerky and unnatural.

???1: Sanitized! Look out!

In a swift motion, the human pulled a 1911 pistol from his waistband, aimed, and fired two shots at the approaching figure, halting its advance momentarily.

???2: Come on, Boy! Let's go!

He holstered the pistol and grabbed the Inkling's hand, pulling her along as they continued their desperate climb. Rounding a corner too sharply, her footing faltered, and she slid perilously towards the edge. With a quick reflex, the human grabbed her arm, anchoring her back to safety.

???: We need to leave alive, not dead.

???2: No shit.

As they ascended further, the Sanitized Inkling continued its pursuit, relentless and seemingly unaffected by the obstacles the two threw in its path. Collapsing boxes and spilling barrels did little to slow it down.

???1: Take this, Girl.

He handed the pistol to his Inklimg friend, who hesitated, her hands trembling.

???2: N-No... Boy, I-I can't take that. I'm no good with guns.

???1: I've seen your shots before. You've got dead straight aim, especially with long-ranged weapons. Take it.

Reluctantly, she accepted the weapon, tucking it into her waistband as they resumed their frantic dash upwards.

???2: You know? It's funny. We're so close to escaping finally, and I never got your name.

Douglas: ...Douglas, by the way.

???2: Huh?

Douglas: Douglas Pits. That's my name.

With a light laugh, the inkling responded as they continued their ascent.

???2: That's a funny name.

Douglas: Maybe yours is just as strange. Hit me.

Aliya: Aliya... Aliya Spletzer.

Their brief moment of levity was shattered as a Sanitized Inkling lunged, grabbing Douglas by the arm. His scream cut through the storm as the creature's grip seared his skin.

Douglas: Ah!

Aliya reacted instinctively, slamming her elbow into the creature's arm, forcing it to release him.

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