June 24, 2024

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On this day, 2 years ago, women in America lost the right to make decisions about their own body.

Instead, those decisions are being made by those in the government.

Specifically those 5 on the Supreme Court who voted to overturn Roe v Wade, which protected abortion rights.

Let me just list those names for you right now:

- Samuel Alito

- Clarence Thomas

- Neil Gorsuch

- Brett Kavanaugh

- Amy Coney Barrett

If I could give these 5 a piece of my mind I would. If I could talk to them, I would say:

What gives you the right to decide what I do with MY body? 4 out of the 5 of you are men. You would never understand what women have to go through (also Amy Coney Barrett, just fuck off).

How has our country come to this? How has it come to a place where children are forced to go through pregnancy and birth?


These people say they are protecting the rights of the fetus, but what about the person carrying it? In fact, that fetus relies on the mother for everything. How can you give more rights to something that is currently just a clump of cells than someone who is already here?

To those that are pro-life, you have your beliefs. But can you really look a pregnant person in the eye and without a doubt say that their life is worth less than a fetus who isn't even born yet?

And for those who are like "Oh well the Heartbeat Bill allows abortions up until 5 weeks"

5 weeks is nothing. Most women don't even know that they're pregnant at 5 weeks.

And what if that fetus has a lethal anomaly that wouldn't allow it to survive to or during birth? If they do, their quality of life would be very low. What kind of life is that?

There's also the chance that continuing that pregnancy could result in the mother becoming sick herself, not being able to have more children (biologically), or even death.

Some of those pregnancies are wanted. But these new laws that are being created are just causing more pain to everyone who's involved.

There is so much more that I could say, but here is what should be taken away from this:

Everyone should be given a choice on what they want to do with their body and their lives.

- disneyfqngirl

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