the hottest day of the year

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Apollo pov

It is the hottest day of the year and I can't stand the fucking heat if I have to deal with the heat cuas emy air conditioner is broken [maybe because I run it 24/7] then everyone will have to feel my fucking anger

"Everyone were going to the beach!"
I say as I come out in my swimsuit it was a tight light blue gyauru flower type pattern ofcourse me and miles are twining

Miles also hates the heat I called him o come from his very much air confitioned house to go to the beach with me ofcourse so he's pouting about it I mean he literally has his face in the pillow

(You've been caught thinking of nasty stuff)

Yelling that he doesn't want to go hut he loves me so he'll go but now it's time to get my family to go!

Step 1 interrupt all of them during whatever they were doing

Step 2 figure out how to get into artemis locked door

Step 3 somehow wake her up it will be especially hard if she's asleep with her boyfriend that's when she's most comfortable

Step 4 find everyone swimsuits since nobody in this house keeps up with their stuff

Step 5 get beach stuff out of scary basement we leave this job for miles ares and ellio

Step 6 get everything into the car

Step 7 drive their


tep 8 stop for food

And Step 9 step up

Now we have the perfect beach day


OKAY FINALLY 2 hours later wer ein the car everyone ready to go and ellio still some how asleep I took a car with artemis ellio and miles my other family are in the 2nd car

Artemis chose to sleep with ellio in the back while me and miles stay in the front and have co trol over driving/music

It's funny I'm having a good time... something I never expected to have all I ever heard was that boys were roubles and to stay away but here I am singing happily with a guy I met in the mall

It's stupid but I really love miles if anyone cares to know but-

"Babe what do you want out of wingstop" miles says as I think ofcourse he's topped at wingstop his favorite place ever I'm more of a pizza person but that's jsut how we fit so well together pizza and wings

"Let me get a boneless 15 piece 5 atomic 10 Buffalo" Yes I like hot food
(Did I say whether he likes hot food or not) but that's not any of you guys problem because you're here to listen to my days "can I also get a large coke and brownies"

"You're one expensive pretty boy"
Miles laughed then said my order jdut ordering himself a 10 piece lemon peper/Buffalo ofcourse we got a big ranch container cause we don't care about double dipping I already know what's in his mouth

[Cuase I kiss it everday]

"Just get me and ellio a 30 piece and 2 large cokes the first 15 atomic and the 2nd garlic par"
Artemis said ofcourse they both liked the combination but artemis favored garlic par and ellio favored the atomic cause he doesn't have taste buds when it comes to hot food he eats it like it's normal to eat atomic when I can barley finish 5

But what we all love is voodoo fries we all individually got a Plat eof that aswell and then we got a large well seasoned fries yes were big backs leave it alone

As we finally mad eit to the beach mom ares and out grandparents had already set up they got their own food we all sat down and ate we had a cabana at the beach front so we didn't worry about getting sand on our food

Once we finished everything was amazing shooting eahcother with water guns not those small ones the big ass blasters

It all was amazing till it wasnt...

I couldn't find miles I ran around searching for him miles couldn't swim another reason he hated the beach he always stayed in the shallow parts as I ran on top a large rock and saw him drifting out to sea his hea dbleeding he must have hit a rock and fainted his head dipped in and put of the water a she struggled to stay afloat

I ran to a life gayrd and I watched them take off without a second thought I wanted to cry how could I elt this happen I told him it would be fine but when yous ay that it's never fine is it... i thought maybe he would fo been bit by bugs or something not this...

I heard ambulances blaring in my ear but it all was quiet when I saw his passed out body being dragged our the water paramedics doing anything they can to get him to wake up

My sister's calling my name but I couldn't hear her she kept telling me it wasn't my fault but it was I told him it would be okay I todl him that this beach was safe I forced him to come... now what if he doesn't wake up...

I sa whim being dragged off to the ambulance as he threw uo blood and water his head still bleeding I didn't even have the courage to get in till my sister told the paramedics who I was and forced me to go with her

She understood the struggle her ex love she lost him to drugs and she blamed herself alot after that but here she was telling me it wasn't tmy fault ad we sit in the waiting room I'm trying not to cry

Till I hear the footsteps of the doctor each thump getting closer to me I covered my ears I didn't want to hear the news my firs fboyfriend was dead...

"He survived and should make a full recovery by next week"

the doctor said a she touched day shoulder it was like he understood the fear and looked at me like it would all be alright... because it would

Now I'm in bed hugging miles and crying the doctor said if I hadn't seen him he wouldn't have been here

Miles held me while I cared and apologized miles explain3d that he saw my favorite bag drift out to sea sinc eit was still in the shallow area he thought he could reach it till he stepped into a current falling back hit55ing his hea Don the rocks

He woke up yelling my name and trying to stay afloat it was fucking scary go see him like that but he made it because I saw him not anyone else me...

Thank the gods he didn't die becuase i would lose half of my soul if he did

(Me I'm the gods cause i really could of just dropped his ass but dont forget to vote tell your friends about this book i expect this book to be somewhat ongoing cayse its jsut a spice of life type thing and i should be finished by chapter 20 next chaoter it should be a huge time skip 5 years or so but be ready for the happy and the sad)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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