୨ ONE ୧

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Siwon slammed the glass on another table full of alphas, crossing his arms. "Here," he mumbled. One of the drunk men laughed at Siwon's actions, using one of his wrinkly hands to slip over the omega's hip. "Don't be like that, sweetheart. How about giving us a smile?" Siwon could only sigh in exasperation, forcing a wide fake smile on his lips as he stuck the middle finger at the alpha. The omega quickly dropped it and grabbed the money left on the table with a grunt.

This was his life now. Debt collectors took his little brother, now with his father dead, and they were adamant about getting the money back. They wanted him to sell his body—but Siwon fought tooth and nail to do anything but that. He was their lackey at first, selling drugs and doing odd jobs no one wanted to do. But then the interest rate went up and Siwon was getting harassed more and more. They promised him that he'd be able to see his baby brother again if the debt was paid soon. That made Siwon work his ass off.

He kept doing odd jobs from early morning up to night, then he immediately went into his hosting job, serving shitty alphas and gang members. This became Siwon's current routine. He could deal with the touchy men, the harassment—but one thing that truly got on his nerves was Alexei fucking Romanova; the current pain in his ass. The devil was smiling at him from the back of the club, at his VIP section, staring at him with cold blue eyes. It nerved Siwon but admittedly, made him feel warm which he hated with a passion. The omega began to walk towards the kitchen to grab the next order before his boss intercepted him—a short beta with a beer belly and a bald head—and grabbed his arm.

"Change of plans. Romanova requests you—bring the tray of drinks from the bar to the table. Don't fuck this up," his boss hissed the last sentence before letting Siwon go. The omega rolled his eyes but ultimately grabbed the tray and made his way over to what could easily be described as the lion's den. He could feel Alexei's gaze on him before he could see him.

Once at the table, Siwon mean-mugged the alpha and slammed the tray down, some of the drinks spilling a bit. The other men with Alexei scowled and mumbled under their breath at how 'untrained' Siwon was—how he had no respect. The omega paid them no mind. They didn't know his life and quite honestly Siwon didn't give a fuck what they thought unless they were tipping him. Speaking of tipping...

Siwon held his hand out expectantly in front of Alexei, waiting for his usual tip from the alpha. Alexei just laughed, those damned blue eyes staring up at the omega like he held the stars and the sky. "You look beautiful as always, dear Siwon," Alexei sweetly purred. Instead of placing money in Siwon's hand, he grabbed it gently, placing stray kisses over the knuckles. Siwon didn't want to admit that his stomach did a few flips at the sensation, making him all warm again.

Alexei grinned up at the omega before slipping a few bills into Siwon's back pocket. He let go of his hand and sat back to take a swig of one of the drinks Siwon brought over. "Thank you, Lisichka (little fox)," Alexei whispered, his gaze never leaving Siwon's form even after the omega blushed and scurried away. Stupid fucking alpha and his stupid fucking compliments, Siwon thought, clutching the bills close to his chest as he tried to calm his beating heart. The omega finally looked down at the tips and marveled at the ten hundred dollar bills in his hands. Even after getting used to Alexei and his stupid affection, the tips still shocked him to his core.

The omega looked back towards the VIP section again and pursed his lips. This didn't mean anything. It shouldn't, right?

_________ ׂׂ་༘࿐

Siwon was pissed off. He stormed right into the hosting bar, not caring if he was off-shift, with one destination in mind—the VIP room. Siwon's boss walked up to him, angry and confused as to why Siwon was rampaging through his business. "What the—" The poor man couldn't even finish his sentence before Siwon shoved the short man out his way, continuing to where he knew Alexei would be. And there he was—that damn Alpha sitting without a care in the world.

The omega shoved off the security guards who grabbed him once he made it to the section, jumped over the table, and pulled a fistful of Alexei's button-down shirt, going face to face with the man. Siwon's eyes were so full of anger. "Who the fuck told you to pay off my damn debt?" The omega seethed, jaw tightening up. All Alexei could do was chuckle in Siwon's face, a puff of smoke leaving his mouth from the cigarette currently between his teeth. Siwon yanked the cigarette from Alexei's mouth, getting even more worked up. "This shit funny to you?!"

This time Alexei let out a deep belly laugh. His head rolled back and his straight teeth were on full display. Siwon could only watch in shock, seeing how the Alpha didn't take him seriously at all. Alexei calmed down, wiping a fake tear from underneath his eyes. "God, no one has ever made me laugh like that in a long time." The male admitted, staring right into Siwon's eyes, paralyzing him on the spot. Alexei grabbed Siwon's wrists, pulling them behind him to incapacitate the omega. Siwon could just stare back at Alexei, so many emotions running through him ranging from anger to confusion to gratitude...?

The one word that could tumble out of Siwon's mouth was "Why?" The Alpha traced his thumb over Siwon's mouth and cheek, admiring him with a soft smile. "I did it because I think you deserve it." Siwon nearly burst into tears after hearing that. From the bottom of his heart, he knew he was grateful. He was so happy to finally be free of debt and maybe finally find some clues as to where his brother could be. But Siwon was skeptical.

He pulled his face away, glaring at Alexei as he struggled to free his wrists. "What's the catch? Do I owe you money now? Do I sell my body to you?" Siwon hissed. Alexei simply brushed his thumb again over Siwon's mouth, admiring how pink they were. "Would you believe me if I told you it was simply because I like you? I can use my money however I please and I chose to use it on you. Is that so bad?"

That stunned Siwon into silence. He scoffed, pulling himself away from Alexei fully, looking off towards the side to hide his face. "All you goddamn alphas are the same," he muttered which caused Alexei to frown. What did Siwon mean by that? Alexei stood up and cupped Siwon's chin to force the omega to look at him, to keep his gaze.

"I'm sorry for overstepping but God... you've entranced me. I don't know if it's that fiery attitude or your courage but you got me bad," Alexei whispered, his words sincere and eyes piercing. Siwon searched Alexei's expression, trying to find a crack, a sign that this was just a lie to calm him down. But the alpha was stubborn in his resolve. Siwon stayed silent with bated breath before furrowing his brows, challenging Alexei.

"Prove it to me." Siwon spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. It took a few moments of silence before Alexei replied, his voice matching Siwon's volume.

"Meet me at Dalton Hotel 7 PM tomorrow night. I'll prove it to you then."

Author's Note;
Thanks for reading the first chapter! Ah I'm so excited bro! I will go back in and edit as I work on the second chapter. Thanks again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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