Chapter 8 | Oh Sh-

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"Are you a spy?"


No trigger yet?

I flicker my eyes open and my gaze immediately focuses on the person in front of me. The young guy with fawn hair in black I saw earlier. He has olive skin, blue eyes, looking like he's around my age and just older than me a bit.

Damn, I didn't know he was this cute.



What the hell is wrong with you?! Stop drooling over boys all the time can you? This is not a good time for this.

"Hey! Who are you working for?!" The guy barks as he pushes the gun to my head, not hard but not tender either, slightly hurting me a little, bringing me out of my trance.

"Huh!? What?! No?!" I stutter in astonishment. What the hell, I was not paying attention this whole time.

Jeez, gurl you should stop daydreaming too much.

"Are you a spy?" He asks again, but this time he's speaking in a normal tone. There, that way is better, isn't it? Jeez, stop yelling.

"No! No, no I'm not. I'm just a passerby..." I splutter in fright, I'm scared to death just looking at this guy's finger casually laying upon the trigger with the gun's barrel still pointing at my head. I'm afraid that he will shoot me right away if he mistakes me as a spy or whatever it is he's worrying about.

"Who are you?" He asks after a moment of quietly analyzing me.

"I- Um... Kinda had a bad day and uh... I accidentally got lost..." I falter, my voice trembling slightly as I try to shove the image of Keith away.

He stays silent and stares at me for some time, as if to make a decision in his mind. I gulp and pray inside that I will be alive.

"So you are not a spy?" He asks me again, still doubting me as his brows cling together with irresolution.

"No..." I grit my teeth.

"Alright." He detaches the gun from my head and I feel an instant relief spreading over my skin, especially at that particular tense area where the gun was in contact with. I pant heavily, inhaling more when I realize I have been holding my breath.

"S- so can I go now?" I innocently ask with a worried face.

"No, whatever your reason is, I can't let you go now." He straightforwardly replies right after my speech, gaining a puzzled look from me.

"Because you discovered the place where we use to work in. Most importantly, you saw my face." He explains to me while still holding the gun, his eyes never leaving mine as he does it.

"Are you... Are you going to kill me?" I stammer, very aware of how stupid that question is.

"That's not up to me to decide. You are coming with me to the boss and he'll decide what to do to you later." He shrugs.


T- the boss?!

What will he do to me? Will he kill me eventually? Will he kidnap me away from my family and friends? Do jobs for him? Or worse, make me become his entertainment?! Noooo!!!

❁ ❁ ❁

Somewhere, a man is relaxing in his office with his legs crossed on the desk, back leaned against his chair, reading some documents. With him in the room is another man with dark auburn hair, who is conversing with him about something while he listens. After a moment, one of his phones suddenly rings, so he puts everything down to answer it, the other man also stops talking.

"You got the money?" He goes straight to the point without having to greet the person on the other line.

He is told about something from the caller that makes him remain silent. His eyes narrow as he stares at an undefined point in the room. The other man observes him intently.

"Did everything go as planned?" He inquires, his face expressionless.

"Someone was also there?"

"So this is all you was trying to say?" His face scowls in disgruntlement, his manner suggesting that he's on the verge of hanging up the call.

"God damn, what type of people are after us now?" He scoffs, throwing the documents across his desk with his left hand, putting his legs down, keeping them spread while still leaning back, adjusting his position to sit more comfortably, his right hand pressing the phone against his ear. "Weren't the past messages clear enough, these fools never learn, do they?"

"Well, you know what to do..." He continues in a low voice, exhaling.

"Kill and dispose them for m-" He commands and rolls his eyes at the same time.




"A girl?" He furrows his brows, his reaction earning a puzzled look from the other man.

"Who the hell wanders around this late?" He grumbles, more to himself than the caller, his bewildered expression coming into view for a brief second, but he quickly masks it with his cold look once again, as if his face is needed to be left that way.

"Bring the cash and her to me."

❁ ❁ ❁


What is happening right now. I can't see anything, the blindfold is really dark and thick. He tied it very tight too. I can't really do anything to help myself at the moment, my hands are also tied up behind my back. The only thing I can feel is that I'm in a car and being driven somewhere... Are they kidnapping me? This is really freaking me out!

"Just let me go, I didn't do anything..." I murmur softly.

"I'm sorry, I need to take you to the boss." A voice can be heard in front of me.

"I promise I won't tell anyone about what I saw, please..." I plead, my voice quivering with light cracks.

Silence, the guy isn't answering to me anymore, leaving me hanging and desperately wanting for answers.

What will happen to me?

At this very moment, I suddenly become acutely aware of my shortcomings. I feel like I have been useless my entire life, having accomplished nothing significant, and I haven't even been the best daughter to my mom.

I pity, I pity the days I have wasted, I regret not spending more time with my family and Catalina. I should have visited mom and brother last week, I should have gone out more with my bestie. I can't imagine seeing their faces the day they are told that I'm...

Everything I have done come rushing at me like a short movie in my head. This, this is probably the last thing I will ever see.


Not so long after, I get snapped out of my trance as I feel my hands being untied, relief on my skin as I get loosened away from the tight knot.

I lift the blindfold up by myself after having my hands available, my eyes starting to adjust themselves as I blink several times. I see the brown hair guy standing outside of the van with the door open on my right, waiting for me. I divert my eyes past him to find a very enormous, glorious, white mansion with many floors, designed with the most complex structure possible.

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