I know where the knifes are

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Me and Jungkook had been married for a year now and it's been good he trusts me to handle some of the mafia business as I have been in it my whole life considering who my father is the mafia king.

I was in my craft room, on my tablet coming up with some new tattoo designs. I had come up with a floral tattoo consisting of roses and Lily's, it would be a big tattoo starting at my ribcage and goes down to my thigh.

I was happy with what I came up with. I got up and went to Jungkooks office where he deals with all hid mafia business meetings he is currently getting ready for one.

I knocked three times on the door so he knew it was me.

Jungkook: Come in my love. I heard.

Hazel: Are you busy??

Jungkook: For you never, what's up???

I walked over with my tablet in my arms and he pulled me onto his lap.

Hazel: I came up with a new tattoo design.

Jungkook: Oh for you or me??

Hazel: Me.
I showed him the tattoo and he looked a bit surprised.

Jungkook: Very pretty how big and where is it going??

Hazel: it's gonna go from my ribcage to my thigh to quite big.

Jungkook: I contact Yoongi after my meeting.

Hazel: Thank you.
He took my tablet out of my hands and placed it on his desk. He then attached his lips to mine.

It was full of passion and a slight bit of heat his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer so there was no space between us.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. He broke the kiss and sighed in frustration.

Jungkook: Come in.

Jimin: Christopher is here for the meeting sir.

Jungkook: Thank you Jimin, you can send him in.

Hazel: I should go and leave you be.
I tried to get but he pulled me back.

Jungkook: Your not going anywhere, you can be in this meeting as well, and plus you are my emotional support.

Hazel: And because you and Christopher don't get alone.

Jungkook: That to.
I moved to sit up right on his lap and then the door opened.

Jungkook: Good morning Christopher, good to see you, please take a seat.

Christopher: Good morning Mr Jeon, and Mrs Jeon.

He took a seat.

Jungkook: Should we get this meeting started then??

Christopher: I would like to but as soon as Mrs Jeon leaves.

Jungkook: Why would she leave??

Christopher: This topic which this meeting is about, is not suitable for a women's ears.

I hate this guy so much he's a sexist and misogynistic prick.

Jungkook: And where do you think she should be???

Christopher: Well where she belongs in the kitchen, in fact can I have a glass of water please.

I could feel Jungkook's blood starting to boil.

He went to say something.

Hazel: I'll go get you a glass of water.

Jungkook: Babe?

Hazel: It's fine Kookie.
I pecked his lips and went to the kitchen.

I was also fuming with anger. I got a glass out of the cupboard as i went to fill it up I got an idea, i grabbed the bottle of rubbing alcohol out from under the sink and poured it into the glass. I looked over and saw the knifes. I then got an idea to teach this prick a lesson.

I grabbed one of the knifes and hid it behind my back. I knocked on the office door three times.

Jungkook: Come in love.
I opened the door and it looked like Jungkook wated to kill Christopher, I calmly walked over, with the knife behind my back.

Hazel: Here is your glass of water.
I placed it in front of him and leaned back on the table facing him and with my back to Jungkook so he could see the knife.

Jungkook: Are you ok love??

Hazel: I'm perfectly fine.

Christopher: Thank you, you can go now.

Hazel: No, I think I will stay, but I also think you should go now.

Christopher: There is no need to be rude Mrs Jeon, Mr Jeon please get your wife to leave.

Jungkook: No, I'm not gonna do that.

Christopher: And why not??

Jungkook: If she doesn't want to leave I can't make her.

Christopher: But this topic is---

Hazel: Is not for a women's ears, yes you made that very clear earlier, but you see I've heard many of these conversations over the years, considering who my father is.

Christopher: How dare you interrupt me, a women like yourself should know there place, in the---

Hazel: In the kitchen yes you also made that clear.

Christopher: And who is your father??? I doubt he has any really power.

I stood up. And bought the knife into his view. And gently placed it on the desk.

Hazel: Oh he has a great deal of power and I will tell him about this conversation and he will make sure you go home to your beautiful home with your wife in bits and pieces in a carbord box.

Christopher: You've made a point but you didn't say who your father.

Hazel: Oh you might of heard of him, but a misogynistic prick like yourself you might of not.

Jungkook: As much as I love this little back and forth, her father is the Mafia king.

Christopher's face grow as pale as a ghost.

Hazel: What's the matter??? Lost for words now.

Christopher: I am so sorry I didn't know.

Hazel: Well now you do, and here's a little life lesson for you, I grabbed the knife and stabbed it into his right hand through to his thigh which his hand was resting on.

He screams in pain.

Hazel: Don't tell a woman that she belongs in the kitchen, because that's where the knifes are and because we apparently belong in there we know how to use them.

I pulled the knife out. He screamed in more pain.

Christopher: P--please for-forgive me, I'll do anything.

Hazel: I'm sure you would but  it's to late for your apologies, Jin can you please have this knife sterilised and put back in it place.

Jin: Yes Mrs.
He took the knife.

I then grabbed the glass and poured it on the stab wounds and he screamed in pain again. I got up and lap on Jungkooks lap.

Jungkook: What should we do with him now.

Hazel: Send him home, and I'll call my father later to tell him and I'll let him decide this pricks fate.

Jungkook: Very well, take him away boys.
The guards picked him up and got rid of him.

Jungkook: That was extremely sexy.

Hazel: Really you don't think I went a bit over kill.

Jungkook: Not at all I am quite impressed, but what was in the glass???, that wasn't water

Hazel: Rubbing alcohol.

Jungkook: Nice touch, your father will he proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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