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"You'll be placed with the Todoroki family for your safety."

"More like to monitor me."

"It's just precautions Y/n."

It's been a few years since then. The Todoroki estate hasn't been the most welcoming, to say the least, but it's better than where I previously was. I hear a few soft knocks at my bedroom door as I finish buttoning up my white shirt I call out to whoever is behind the door.

"You can open the door!"

The shoji door slides open to reveal Fuyumi a soft smile placed on her face as she speaks to me.

"Father wants to see you and Shoto before you two head off on your big day." She hums as a slight frown finds its way onto my face in response.

Why would he need to see me?

"Good luck Y/n I've gotta head to work now I'll see you later" With that she closed the door leaving me be. I just continue to get ready trying to ignore the thousands of questions intruding my head.

My presence for him is an inconvenience. Why me? And Shoto? His prized son and the child he merely had to take in out of obligation and not wanting to have an even worse reputation with the hero's comission.

I shake my head as I finish with the red tie around my neck before making my way to Enji's study. I subconsciously let a finger wrap around one of my h/c locs as I focus on my travel through the large house. I continue my way through the seemingly never ending halls before stopping in front of an all too familiar door. I grit my teeth as unpleasant memories rise up before I push it all away and enter the room. I look into the room to see a tense Shoto and a scowling Enji sitting at his desk.

"Mr Todoroki sorry for my lateness it won't happen again." I apologize with a monotone voice bowing to hopefully not get the rage from the man in front of me.

He mumbles something to do with how it's expected of me but I don't pay it any mind already used to this treatment from him. I step forward now standing next to Shoto an indescribable expression covers his features as we both look at Enji expectingly. He begins to speak and the second he opens his mouth I already want him to shut it.

"I expect very high of you two-"

"Want to leave?" I cut Enji off looking towards Shoto as he nods.

"Please." He says almost sounding like a beg as a smile spreads across my face and Enji's scowl just deepens.

"Portals" I mutter to myself as a small clear glass ball rises from my stomach to my mouth a smile on my face as a glowing circle appears beneath us swallowing us whole and closing the second we enter it.

The space we enter is a black void no source of light but yet we can still see one another and the endless black that covers this space.

"Give me coordinates Sho" I tell him with a smile on my face getting ready to activate the quirk again.

He pulls out his phone typing something in before answering.

"138.3827, 138.3827" Shoto tells me glancing up from his phone as another circular portal opens up and we arrive at the front gate of UA High.

People give us weird looks and I wonder why before glancing down to see Shoto on the floor, clearly feeling nauseous. I help him up off of the floor and hold onto him allowing him to lean against me as we make our way to our homeroom class. We stop in front of the large door 1-A written on it in large red letters.

"Ready Sho?"

"Of course I am Y/n."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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