part 1 - the beast of the Blackwood forest

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It was a cold night in Blackwood. A witch sat below a tree, its roots acting as a seat. Before the witch was a prince. She listened to him explain why they are here

"So you want me to curse Princess Rose? "
The witch asked looking at the Prince with slight disbelief
"Yes. I want you to make her a beast that's feared all over the Shadow kingdom. "
The Prince replied, looking around to check if anyone is watching them.
The witch narrowed her eyes and sighed before speaking.
"Your mind is rotted with envy and jealousy. I won't serve clients like-"
Before she could finish, the Prince grabed something from his bag. It was 2000$ in cash. The witch raised her eyebrows before taking the money and smiling
"Unless.. "
She said and shook her head
"Deal. Ill curse her and we will never speak of this again. "
The witch looked the Prince straight in the eyes and waited for him to respond

Pearl and Jake were visiting Crystal. They ran through the forest, the damp grass wetting their paws.
"Come on Pearl! We shouldnt be far away now! "
Jake said, turning his head around to see if  his sister is following. Pearl was slightly panting, clearly tired from all the running. Besides that, she was following Jake very closely. They ran past a tree and a garden appeared in their view. The siblings smiled and picked up their pace. They slowed down when they entered the beautiful garden. There were flowers, herbs, fruit and vegetables growing everywhere. Jake knocked on the door to Crystals house.

~Crystals POV~
I was drinking some tea before i heard knocking on my door. "Must be Jake and Pearl" I thought and went over to the door to open it. I was greeted with the smiles of the two siblings. I smiled back as a greeting and let them inside.
"What brings you two here today? "
I asked and looked at Pearl, who was looking at some of my paintings
"Nothing much, we just wanted to visit. "
Jake replied and looked over at Pearl.
"So much has changed! "
Pearl said and continued to examine the paintings. I giggled and shaked my head
"I don't think much changed since yesterday, Pearl. "
Suddenly, there was another knock on the door. Crystal groaned as she already knew who would be there. Someone opened the door and Prince Raven entered my house. He flashed a smile at me and walked over to me.
"Ah, Crystal. You're looking as beautiful as ever. "
The Prince said and i sighed.
"You flatter me, your majesty. "
I replied and looked over to Pearl and Jake. Pearl was still looking at my paintings while her brother went behind Prince Raven and touched his cape.
"Is this real velvet or some cheap fabric? "
Jake said and looked over to the Prince, who slightly jumped, suprised at the kids actions
"Jake, that's no way to treat your future king. "
I said, slightly scolding him.
"Or your future queen! "
Prince Raven added, looking over at me.
Suddenly, someone else went inside my house and then over to the Prince.
"Sire, i think its time for us to go. We need to catch the beast, remember? "
He said and looked over at me. I had a suprised expression on my face before replying
"Beast? Do you mean the one who.. Killed Princess Rose..? "
I asked, trailing off at the end as i know this is a sensitive subject to Prince Raven
"Yes, that one. We believe it returned to this forest and it may be a danger not only to me, but also to you. "
The Prince replied, looking at me with a worried expression.
"Uhm.. Well then, i suppose you should get going.. "
I said and guided the Prince to the door and closed it right after he exited my house.
"Alright kids, you should get going too. I bet your parents are worried sick! "
I tell Jake and Pearl and watch as they also exit my house. I sigh and remember i ran out of marigolds. I slightly open the door to see if the kids are far away. It seems like they are, so i quickly grab a small basket and also exit my house. I head deeper into the forest and stop to smell the air. I go in the direction of the smell of marigolds. Suddenly, i hear a screech. It seems far away, but it doesnt seem like an earthly animal. I look around in panic to see if i have a way to run away if the beast attacks me. I take a shaky breath in and collect some of the marigolds. I suddenly hear another screech, but this time it seems very close.. So close, it could infact be right behind me. I look behind me and see it. The beast. It seems like it has a mask on its face. It has a lushious blue-gray tail and a mane of the same color. It has roses and rose petals scattered in its coat. I quickly look around and run in the direction of my house. The beast chases after me. I trip over a root when running near a tree. I yelp and roll on the ground. I end up rolling near a rocky drop and roll off of it. I scream as i hit some of the rocks, but i end up not wounded. I finaly feel the ground under my paws and look up.....

Well, this was quiet the adventure, hm? I hope everything here makes sense because i was writing this while talking with my best friend so😭-
Oml i forgot to change the font. Anyways-
Uhm also future Crystal here- i decided that italic will only be flshbacks, so action will be written in this font (just to make it easier to write 😭)
Word count (not including A/N): 920

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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