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Instead of making their way to the common room, the trio was met with a three headed dog, in a corridor they were warned not to enter. Harry physically recoiled at the sight of the horrific beast, who in the world would leave something like in a school for kids?

Harry could hear Ron and Hermione bickering beside him, but his mind was trapped with the thoughts on the mysterious dog.

He'd heard Hermione say it was guarding something, but really why would someone place something important in a school for kids? To be guarded by that thing?

Suddenly a furious Hermione interrupted his train of thought "Whatever! I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to us killed! Or worse- expelled!"

Harry was taken aback by the sudden outburst while Ron glared at her.

"She needs to sort out her priorities.." Ron hissed beside him.

Harry laughed lazily at the remark, clearly wanting to leave to clear his mind.

"Well? Harry are you coming to bed?"

"Uhh...yeah, just a second."

"Alright. Don't take too long, and don't think about that nasty creature longer mate. It might visit you in your dreams." said Ron, shuttering upon saying the last sentence. He then turned and made his way to the room they shared.

Harry walked out of common room, clearly wanting to think but completely oblivious as to where he planned to walk.

He walked around, staying close to the Gryffindor common room, and let his thoughts flow.

But really- what was that thing? And why was it at Hogwarts? What was it guarding? And why did it-?


Harry jumped, his heart quickened at the thought of a teacher catching him out this late at night.

"Potter!" Harry turned around and immediately recognized the white-blond hair that seemed to be shining brighter then the great pieces of jewelry that decorated the castle.

Harry's eyes narrowed, "What do you want?"

"Why are you out so late, Potter? Also I heard your first Quidditch match is tomorrow. Is that true? Did you train?"

Harry's felt his blood boil at how casual Malfoy was being, as if he hadn't hurt Harry with the way he acted like he never knew him at all, or the way he treated Harry's friends with not an ounce of respect.

"That's none of your business, Malfoy." spat Harry.

"Whatever," Malfoy mumbled leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. "Well, if they do decide to train you, do tell me the techniques yeah?"

"Of course you're only talking to me to benefit yourself! And no Malfoy, I won't tell you the techniques, maybe you should ask your beloved father... he might finally tell you something that will feed that pea-sized brain of yours."

Malfoy's mouth parted slightly and he glared at him, "Don't talk about my father, Potter. His name coming out of your mouth? It's a disgrace!"

"Seeing he raised the likes of you," Harry looked him up and down. "i'll take that order in gladly."

Malfoy's fist tightened around his wand, and he stepped closer to Harry.

"You know, if you'd have actually had standards, you should have seen me, a pure blood, befriending you, a half blood and treating you like my equal an honor. But no, you decided to be saint heroic Potter and go befriend a Weasley- who is a filthy excuse for a pure blood- and, a filthy mud-blood." snapped Draco making sure he spat the last word out clearly.

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