🍁Chapter Four🍁

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Third person POV

Jimin stared at Tae from the window of the classroom corridors, when he noticed the tears in his eyes which reached passed his mask... Jimin felt guilt building up inside him but his ego didn't leave him to go and console the shedding soul...

He just turned and left the place without doing anything like always just like others in Tae's life... Tae was right when he said no one takes a stand for him not even himself...

Finally, the day went by and the class was over... Tae got ready to go for his evening shift in the eatery... When he reached the gate he heard someone calling his name, getting confused he turned around only to meet with the familiar face... But covered just like him but for a different reason...

Seojoon: Taehyung ahh !  Oh, I have been calling you for a long time Tae... Can't you hear me?

Tae: sorry hyung I was not paying attention...

Today his fate has planned to roll him back to back with the Park brothers...

Sj: how are you Tae? You look very tired.

Tae: yeah... I'm good hyung... Did you come to pick up Jimin?

Sj: Haan yeah... He has been bugging me for weeks telling me that some of his friends want to meet me and they are my die-hard fans... So here I am...

Tae: oh... So you should go he must be waiting and I have some work see you later...

Sj: wait... No--- where are you going tell me Tae I'll drop you--

His words were cut off by Tae,

Tae: it's okay hyung I can manage... You carry on with Jimin... Bye, hyung...

Saying so Tae rushed from there leaving Seojoon with a longing eye...

Sj: I can see you are not well Tae... Your eyes are the portrayal of your heart Tae don't hide from me at least not from me cause your eyes to say it all to me... I wish I could say this to you...

Seojoon murmured to himself looking at the retreating figure... While Jimin came rushing to him...

Jm: Hyung? I was searching for you there wh--
Taehyung? Why are you looking at him?

Sj: Breath little bean... You have asked more questions than breathing so breathe... I just talked to Tae and he left after saying he had some work... I don't know what work.

Jm: Oh it must be his part-time job in some eatery...

Sj: how do you know that he is working there? 

(Jimin widened his eyes but anyway answered...)

Jm: come on hyung-- we are in the same college...

Seojoon just nodded and didn't stir more, Jimin heaved a sigh and followed his hyung to their car...

Meanwhile with Tae...

Tae reached the eatery and changed into his work clothes to start his shift...

Tae reached the eatery and changed into his work clothes to start his shift

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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