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Sania did you ironed my dress? Hania Sheikh asked her with a stern voice

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Sania did you ironed my dress? Hania Sheikh asked her with a stern voice

Sania nodded sheepishly, "Yes, I did hania mam. Her hands twisted the hem of her own dress nervously, the fabric crumpling under her grip.

And yeah Don't forget to make pasta for maya and take it to her room, thik hae?

She nodded again,"Yes, mam," she replied obediently. "
Hania Sheikh gave her a satisfied smile. "Good," she said, her tone less sharp now that her command had been acknowledged. "And make sure it's perfect. You know how picky Maya can be."

Ji mein muje pata hai (yes i know) she said

"And make sure you tell your mother to make biriyani for lunch, and she better not add too much spice to it this time." she told her before walking away...

She entered the kitchen and found her mother, whom she affectionately called Ammi, standing in front of the sink, cleaning some rice. "Ammi,keya karrihiae? [what are you doing?"]  she asked, her face breaking into a smile.

Her mother turned to look at her, a warm smile lighting up her face. "Oh, nothing much, beta" she replied, her voice soft and gentle. "Just cleaning some rice. Why do you ask?"

She nodded as she listened to her mother, "Hania mam said to make biryani for them for lunch and not to add too much spice," she informed..

Thik hae (okay)

She turned her attention to the task at hand, placing a pan on the stove and preparing it to make pasta for Maya. Her movements were quick and efficient, her mind occupied with thoughts of the various tasks she needed to complete before lunch.

With the pasta cooked and the plate prepared, She made her way upstairs to Maya's room. She held the tray carefully in her hands, her grip steady and sure as she navigated to the girl's room. Upon reaching the door, she knocked gently before entering.

Maya mam can i come inside, your pasta...

Han ajao (yes come in)

She entered the room and placed the tray of pasta on the table in front of Maya. The girl didn't even look up, her attention fixed on the conversation she was having through her AirPods.
She waited patiently, her eyes flickering between Maya and the lunch she had prepared.

App yeha hote toh kitna maja athe (it would be really nice if you were here)
Maya said it to the other person on the Phone.

He's no other than Shehryar Sheikh her long time fiance.
She knew it wasn't the first time Maya had spoken to Shehryar Sheikh. The two were engaged, and Maya often found herself lost in conversation with him, her heart and mind full of thoughts of him.

Shehryar Sheikh the son of the Sheikh household, who had moved to the USA when he was only six years old. She had heard about him from other servant of haveli.
Although She had never see him in person....

Tum jao... (You can go)

She nodded silently, She turned to go, her footsteps muffled by the plush carpeting of the floor. As she left the room, she could hear Maya's voice through the closed door, resuming her conversation with her fiance...

She and Maya were not friends. Maya had always treated her as a maid, a servant whose primary duty was to serve her every whim and need.

Suddenly, a thought struck her, and Saniyah's eyes lit up with excitement. She remembered the pigeons that often gathered on the grounds of the haveli, eagerly searching for food
Without thinking twice, She began running towards the outside, Her mind was focused on the pigeons and the chance to spend some time in their company.

She was in the midst of feeding the pigeons when a car pulled up nearby. She turned her attention towards the vehicle, her eyes widening in surprise as she saw who it was - none other than Sheikh Sahab...
She quickly stood up and offered a respectful greeting, her voice soft and hesitant. "Assalamualaikum Sheikh Sahab," she said..

Wa'alaikumassalam beta "What are you doing outside?" he asked, his voice gentle and curious.
"Oh, I was just playing with the pigeons," she replied, a sheepish grin on her face.
Saad Sheikh laughed softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, I see," he said, nodding.

As Saad Sheikh turned and headed inside the haveli, Sania watched him go, a soft smile playing on her lips. She had always known him to be a kind-hearted man, and his interactions with her were always warm and fatherly..also him wife ruma sheik she is just as gentle and caring as her husband.


The Sheikh family was seated around the lunch table, the smell of delicious food wafting through the air. Noor, the main cook, stood in the kitchen, busy preparing the dishes. Sania and the other servants were busy passing the food around, serving each family member with efficiency..

As the lunch went on,
"Saniyah, pass me the water beta" ruma sheik  said, a polite smile on her face.
Sania quickly complied, grabbing the water jag and pouring some into Ruma Sheikh's glass.

"What is this?" Hania Sheikh questioned, her voice sharp. "I thought I told you to tell your mother not to add Spice on bryiani...

its not that spicy hania" siam Sheikh spoke out

Hania  turned to look at her husband, Siâm Sheikh, as he spoke up, defending the biryani.
Saad Sheikh also weighed in, nodding in agreement. "Yes, it's not that spicy It's tasty," he echoed, a gentle smile on his face.

Hania Sheikh looked somewhat mollified by their words, but still frowned at Sania. her irritation not completely subsided

. It was no secret that Hania Sheikh had always had a dislike for her, and she was constantly searching for reasons to scold her. She didn't know what she had done to earn Hania’s disdain, but it seemed to have become a pattern of behavior for the older woman.

Leave it hania...

Shehryar is coming to Pakistan in 3 days

Saad Sheikh's words broke the tense atmosphere at the table, and a smile appeared on the faces of Hania Sheikh and Siâm Sheikh. "Really? He's coming in 3 days?" Hania Sheikh said, a tone of excitement in her voice.
"We must welcome our beta, who's coming home after so many years," Siâm Sheikh added, his face lit up with joy.

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