Chapter 5

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   On Sunday.

Mr.Jeon already messaged their address to mr.Kim. and told them that they have to do breakfast in Jeon mansion with Jeon family.

    Mr and Mrs Kim were getting ready to go to Jeon mansion and our Tae is still sleeping peacefully in his room while cuddling with his new pink bunny plushie.


Tae : (fall from the bed as he was on edge already) ahhhhhh!!!.

Mrs.Kim : (raised eyebrow) didn't i told you to got up early today!?

Tae : (nervously) hehe, m-mumma i-i will get ready in 5 minutes, yeah just 5 minutes. (Run towards bathroom)

  Mrs.Kim chuckle at him and go in living room as Mr.Kim was waiting for them in living room.

Mr.Kim : (lauh) that brat is still sleeping, no.

Mrs Kim : (smile) yeah he always does this.

   Just then Tae came there while running.

Mr.Kim : don't run on stairs otherwise you will fall.

   But who is Tae to listen him, he just run but stumble on last stair and fall.

Tae : (groan) argh this stupid stairs.

Mrs.Kim : (shook her head with so done face) didn't he told you to not to run.

Tae : (got up and dist off his clothes) hehe i am sorry. But let's go where you wants to go.

(Tae's look)

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(Tae's look)

Mrs.Kim : Tae, give me your phone.

Tae : (whine) but wae.

Mrs.Kim : i know that you will use your phone all day there, so give me before I snatch it from you.

Tae : (pout) you are so cruel mumma. And i am V, I'm good boy, so I won't use phone there.

Mr.Kim : (stren) Tae give her your phone now.

Tae : (pout and unwillingly give his phone to Mrs.Kim, who put it in her handbag.) papa changed his team.

Mr.Kim : (chuckles) aww my baby I will make it up to you so soon.

Tae : Okie dokie papa.

  And they drove off to Jeon mansion. And after 25 minutes of driving they reach there. Mr.Kim went to park the car. And Mrs.Kim was lecturing Tae.

Mrs.Kim : Tae i am telling you to behave there. I won't tolerate any misbehave, and obey them like you obey your papa otherwise I will beat you right there in front of everyone and your papa also won't save you. Understood.

Tae : (pout cutely) yes, but a little.

Mrs.Kim : (pinch Tae's nose) ok tell mumma how much you understood.

Tae : (pouting) that if I didn't behave like a good boy and said no to whom ever we gonna meet then you will beat me and papa also won't save me.

Mr.Kim : (came there and listen to their talks, laughing) he understood enough for his safety. Now let's go they must be waiting.

Mrs.Kim : (excited) yeah let's go I can't wait to see Aera.

    Mr.Kim rang the doorbell and Mr.Jeon open the door.

Mr.Jeon : (pull Mr.Kim in bone crashing hug) Ohhhh Hyungie, i missed you soo much.

Mr.Kim : yaahhhh!! You brainless creature, you are suffocating meeee.

Mr.Jeon : (break the hug) you are so bad here i missed you and you are calling me brainless huhh.

   And seeing Mr.Jeon hugging his papa this much tightly Tae hide behind Mrs.Kim

Tae : (mumble from behind Mrs.Kim with a pout) this uncle is gonna kill my papa with his hug.

Mrs.Kim : shh!! He is our best friend and meet us after so many years.

  Mr.Jeon saw them and see Tae hiding behind Mrs.Kim,

Mr.Jeon : ok come inside, Aera prepared special breakfast for you all.

   Mr.Jeon guide them directly to dining room and they all saw how beautifully Mrs.Jeon decorated the dining table with lots of dishes. Mrs.Jeon saw them and hug Mrs.Kim tightly.

Mrs.Jeon : (to Mrs.Kim) ohhhh Tae i missed you soo much.

Tae : (confused) Tae!? But I'm Tae and she is my mumma aunty.

Mrs.Jeon : (look at Tae) huh, but she is my best friend Tae. (to Mrs.Kim) Tae who is he!?

Mrs.Kim : (smile at Tae and Mrs.Jeon's confused faces) Aera he is my son Taehyung. And stop calling me Tae, you are confusing my baby.

Mr.Jeon : (laugh at them) oh wow Hyunie, what a family names, Jaehyun, Tae-hee and now son's name Taehyung. Hahaha.

Mrs.Kim : (glare at Mr Jeon) shut up, and he is my son so ofcourse his name will match with my name.

Tae : (mumble) i think their brain is so old then their body that's why it stopped braining.


To be continued :.

Please ignore my mistakes and do vote, comments and follow.

And please give me some ideas for next chapters. And don't be a ghost reader.

Thanks for reading

Stay tuned lovelies. 🥰🥰🥰☺️☺️😉😉

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