🎧never too old for stuffies. (angst)🎧

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sighhh...Sean angst...welll!! Here we go..!!!

(Hc :: When Sean's parents argue, Sean usually sobs during their fight, so he listens to music and hugs a stuffy to calm down).


I sob, and I sob. I try to get the yelling out of my ears by blasting music in my ears. But today, it just won't work. The yelling hurts. Hearing my dad and my mom say the things they'd never tell each other. Hearing it over and over again, it just gets... normal.

But no matter how many times I hear them yell and argue. How many times they'll scream their lungs out. No matter how many times they'll just yell and scream. Knowing they're on the brink of a divorce. It'll happen over and over and over again.

And there's nothing I can do to stop it. Because I know I can't. No matter how much I want them to stop. How much I just want them to calm down and just love. It will. Never happen.

I look around my room, and I see this bunny plushie. It was from Luke, on my birthday, he gave it to me. I grab the stuffed bunny, and I hug onto it. As tight as I can.

I sob into the stuffed bunny as I lay down on my bed. Tiny drops of water soak through the bunnys fabric.

I cry myself to sleep, know the cycle will repeat tomorrow.

Sorry for starting it rough💔

Words: 250

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