Her First Day

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Hello everyone, I am siara and this is my first work, my vocabulary is not huge so I don't use advanced words I just use casual language hope u don't find it weird and like my story. Well this is a ff of Jungkook but it is not short as other's. it contain long and beautiful story. It will include many ups and downs.

Hope you find it interesting.

Share your thoughts with me through comments.

IG acc. :- siara_bts_army


The beginning of a new financial year.

y/n just turned 13 a few months ago. She transferred to a new city with her parents as her father was going to expand his business.

She is a kind, loving and well-behaved kid who loves her parents very much. She is now in 9th grade.

It was her first day at her new school in the new city and she was very excited, her father dropped her off at the school and asked someone to show her the way to her classroom.

She said goodbye to her father and went inside. She was nervous. She was a bit late to the class and the teacher had already reached the class. The boy who showed her the way to her class has already left as he was getting late as well. She knocked at the door and asked for permission to come in.

y/n: may I enter??

Hearing her soft and low voice everyone started looking at her, she was looking damn cute in she schools uniform and her simple and nervous face was making her even more attractive. Her look was enough to make everyone fell for her. It was complete silence for some time. Just then someone voice break the silence and spoke

 Just then someone voice break the silence and spoke

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Head teacher: come in. Take your seat.

y/n: yes ma'am

She was searching for a seat for herself when she found a girl (Nabi) seating alone and went to sit with her (Nabi)

Nabi: hello I am Nabi.

y/n: Hi! I am y/n.

Just then the teacher asked new students to introduce themselves to everyone and everyone introduced themselves one by one and now there was only y/n left.

She stood up.

y/n: hello everyone I am y/n and I have transferred here from Incheon International High School.

Saying this she sat down.

The eyes of most of the boys were fixed on her. She was feeling nervous and angry when Nabi noticed and hold her hand.

After the lecture was over, she (Nabi) holds her and bring her out of the class to relax.

y/n: thank you for holding me in the class or I would have lost my control and might have said something to them.

Nabi: its ok, anyway we are friends.

y/n: really, we can be friends??

She asked with questioning eyes.

Nabi: yes, what happened.

Hearing this y/n was very happy she didn't have many close friends back in Incheon as she didn't have much free time. Her schedule was mostly full as her mother would arrange different classes for her either it is dance or music, or she would spend her time reading books and novels. She was very excited to be friend with Nabi.

y/n: yes, we are friends. Hello friend.

she said while extending her hand towards her.

Nabi smiled at her actions and said while shaking hands with her.

Nabi: are you a kid??

y/n: hey don't make fun of me.

She said while crossing her hands and making a cute pout.

She said while crossing her hands and making a cute pout

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Nabi: aa alright, stop it.

In the corridor some boys (Jack, Ton, Mork) were staring at y/n with devouring eyes, Nabi quickly hold her and went towards them.

Nabi: have you seen a beauty for the first time or are you just in a habit to try on each girl you, see??

Jack: have you gone mad, I was merely looking at her and you should be happy that you would get some attention from boys as you stay close with this beauty.

Nabi was filled with anger and y/n was sad about this, it was not the first time this happened, and she (y/n) was used to unnecessary attention, so she didn't react much. But seeing them bully her friend like this she couldn't resist her anger.

y/n: excuse me, she doesn't need unnecessary attention like you people. And when it comes to boys you can't even be compared to her shoes, so think before you speak. Anyway she don't need anyone to be with her so desperately, she can live on her own. 

Mork: hey beautiful you are getting angry we were just joking. Will you like me to treat you to a coffee to apologies to you.

y/n: no thanks just stay away from me.

Saying this she hold Nabi's hand and started to leave from there when Mork held her hand.

Mork: what is the hurry at least leave us your no..

He said with mischief in his voice.

She was trying to free her wrist as it was hurting when someone's voice come from behind. 


Thankyou everyone for reading this so patiently.

Give me your advice and I would love to make it up to the audience interest.

Thankyou everyone, Saranghae.

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