BONE 1a || bones are beautiful!

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Oh wow, this object show is already starting, oh well!! ^^

I'll try my best writing this episode!! ^^

*sticker flies/walks up to SWEET*

Sticker : "Heya sweet!"

SWEET tries to ignore them because how busy xe is

"Uhh sweet..? Are you listening?, You're not even doing anything. You're just staring at a tree?" Sticker said to SWEET but SWEET still ignores

SWEET looks at sticker slowly, and then walks away without even saying anything.

sticker looks at SWEET confused as xe walks away.

Poly suddenly appears T-posing out of nowhere, and then slowly stops T-posing

"AGH!" Sticker screamed when they appeared.

poly : "weh?" they said with a confused face looking at her

Sticker : "Oh, it's you, poly. Hello poly!" Sticker's scared face slowly disappears while she says it.

Poly waves at them with excitement

!camera switches somewhere!

SWEET walking, going to the tree

"Hey sweet!" Someone said in the distance.

SWEET turns back and looks at the person who said it

The person was board.

"Oh, hey board, what are you doing here?" SWEET obviously asks board

"I'm asking the same question to you, what are you doing here? where are you going?" Board says to or asks SWEET

"uhh, i don't really know. hehe.. " SWEET answers board's question

"oh, well okay.. I guess..? " Board says, and then Board walks away

SWEET looks at board, and then xer face changes to boredom like

SWEET looks at board, and then xer face changes to boredom like

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Yeah y'know 😭

SWEET turns back and then continues to walk to the tree

But then, minutes later the tree disappeared.

"H-huh..?" SWEET confusedly said looking at the "tree"

"Where'd that tree go..?" SWEET confusedly said again looking at the disappearance of the tree. "Ehh I'll just find another one"

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