Chapter 9

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"What is going on?"

"There has been some activity at the gate. No one has gotten through but someone powerful is trying. Come; I will show you."

They portaled to the exact spot where they entered the realm however many weeks ago. Two guards were positioned on each side armed and ready for anything. They bowed to their King before one reported, "Nothing in the last several hours, Your Majesty."

The ground in front of the gate was littered with debris as if someone was hacking into the rock to carve out some sort of sculpture, but Latobius waved a hand sealing every chunk and pebble back into the gate.

"Is it possible to chisel your way into another realm?"

"It should not be, Elemental Queen. However, it seems someone of great power is attempting to do just that. What do you feel with your elements?"

Aiden cautiously stepped forward and placed one hand on the rock. It pulsed with magic but felt weakened somehow like the internal integrity of the rock had been altered in some way. She pulled from her earth magic and restored the power and density back into the mountain adding to the strength Latobius had already put back in place. "I believe I've fortified it. Someone is altering the very make up of the rock itself by blasting it with magic."

The Mountain King placed a hand up against it and nodded to Aiden reaffirming that she had indeed fixed it for the time being. He then made several odd hand motions causing some sort of runes to appear on the rock that glowed a bright blue before disappearing.

"Extra wards," he explained. "Dagda will need to add more permanent ones when he returns." He then turned back to his guards and commanded, "Keep me posted. If anything on this mountain moves, bring it to me."

"Yes, Your Majesty," both guards replied in unison.

They portaled back to the dining hall where a morning meal was ready and waiting. "Apologies for the detour. Please; join me."

"What do you think is really going on at the gate, Latobius? I can tell by your demeanor that you're concerned."

"You are perceptive, Aiden. I wish I could give you a clear answer, but I cannot. Something is definitely happening in your realm though because the amounts of power it would take to do that to a gate would have to be immense. Only Original Powers would be strong enough to even consider it."

"Would it not take earth magic though? Nuada believes that Taranis is on our side."

"It could. However, Brigid's fire has the ability, but it would be a painfully slow process unless she got a power boost from someone of more strength. Manannan could use his water to weather it down but not any faster than Brigid."

"How well do you know our Original Powers?"

"Our paths have crossed once or twice through the millenniums. I met Nuada in a realm where Fae and humans coexist quite peacefully. I found him to be a noble male and enjoy speaking to him from time to time. My interaction with Brigid, however, was not as pleasant. I battled her briefly during one of the wars, but it was difficult to tell if she wanted to kill me or fuck me," he laughed.

"That is an accurate evaluation of Brigid," Liam confirmed finding the comment funny as well. "We could try to contact Nuada, if that is possible. He might could tell us more."

"Can you communicate between realms like that?" Aiden asked.

"Not all can, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve," the Mountain King smiled.

They finished their meal and headed back to the study where Latobius had Aiden describe the chambers at her palace given to Nuada needing the information to make contact just as one did to make a portal. They waited what seemed like forever for the mirror to finally clear revealing the living area where Aine sat sharpening a sword.

The Journey (Chronicles of the Elements #2)Where stories live. Discover now