└── ⋆⋅fifteen⋅⋆ ──┘

146 11 0

minho's pov

"JISUNG YOU DUMB FUCK THERES A CAR," Changbin screamed before he yanked Jisung back by the handle of his backpack, narrowly avoiding a potential disaster.

Minho laughed at Chan's face, it looked like his own life flashed before his eyes but in reality, it was Jisung's life. This is what happens when they ever try to cross a busy road.

In the heat of the moment, Minho almost forgot where they were going, and was rather enjoying himself as he took in the scenery. Up until they actually reached their destination his smile quickly faded. He stared at the familiar sight of the cafe he once went to, but now he had a different goal instead of simply ordering a coffee.

They entered the cafe, which looked the same as last time he went here. Not many people here, a quiet and calm place to study or to just unwind. But the feel wasn't the same. Not with Minho's nerves getting in the way. 

He was supposed to finally talk to Hyunjin today, but he knew he couldn't. Minho felt too nervous to even open his mouth which made him feel confused. Although he is an introvert and is much more quiet when he isn't with his friends, he never had this much trouble talking to someone.

They reached the counter without having to wait in a line, same story as last time. Last time Minho was thankful for this small detail, but now it made him even more jittery. He tried to reconcentrate himself by looking through the menu along with his friends. 

"Hello! What can I get you all today?" A cashier smiled at the small group. The same pretty cashier as last time. 

Maybe Hyunjin isn't here today.

"Oh hey Hyunjin! I didn't expect you to be the one to take our order today," Chan said returning the smile at the cashier. 

Minho felt the color leave his face as he quickly looked back up.

Hyunjin is the pretty cashier? This whole time..

He heard Chan making small talk with Hyunjin which Minho was grateful for because if a human can malfunction, he would be right now. That's Hyunjin? The literal model standing in front of him? He couldn't believe it.

Suddenly he felt a wave of self consciousness hit him all at once. Shouldn't he have tried to at least impress Hyunjin a bit? I should've done my hair better, my lips are so dry, I probably look so stupid right now..

"CHAN!!!! Can you tell your friend I want a hot chocolate?" Jisung whispered into Chan's ear. Well it wasn't really a whisper because he basically just screamed into Chan's ear. 

"Jisung- You can tell him yourself, also it's summer," Chan said mentally facepalming at his friend. Hyunjin chuckled at their antics.

Even his smile is so cute.. wait what.

"He and I will both just have the mango dragon fruit lemonade," Changbin said ordering for both himself and Jisung. Chan ordered himself an iced americano.

"Okay! And what would you like?" Hyunjin said as he typed in their orders into the machine. He felt Chan's eyes on him, his eyes were saying 'here's your chance to make small talk!'

That's when Minho just froze up completely, he doesn't know what came over him, he just looked up at Chan hoping he would be there to help him, and thankfully he was, like always.

"He also wants an iced americano," Chan said before pulling out his wallet. As Chan paid, the others looked around for a table. Minho was silently trailing behind them, trying to get away from the scene as quickly as possible.

Chan caught up with them but none of them settled on a table yet, in fact, no one even said a word since the incident. Minho subconsciously walked side by side with Chan. Chan grabbed onto Minho's hand and gently massaged it to comfort the boy. He knows Minho best, he always has and always knows what to do.

"Can we sit outside," Minho muttered, and nobody bothered to argue with him. It was a nice day out anyways, but Minho's stress ruined his experience here.

"What a great plan, Chan," Jisung said sarcastically attempting to lighten the mood. Changbin didn't hesitate to smack the back of Jisung's head. He yelped in pain, "ouch- it's not my fault Minho looked like he was about to start crying!" 

Jisung took one look at Minho's sad face and tried again, "I mean at least he's a pretty crier.."

Both Chan and Changbin just stared at Jisung like what the hell?

But really, talking to Hyunjin is gonna be harder than he though it would be.


A/N: i didnt feel like trying that hard on this chapter & writing fancy send help

words: 780

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