Chapter 1

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Zayns always been a quiet guy.So when he's been put in a frat house for college he isn't too sure..

Aa he approached the house he silently prayed..god help him.He couldn't stand the thought of getting drunk every living hour and socialising for the love of god.It was zayns worst nightmare.

He stepped out the taxi as his eyes scanned over the new arrivals for the year.He could only sigh as he saw parents carrying in there bags.Zayn picked up his.He was expecting too see at least a normal looking home but oh he was wrong.He stared down at his phone which stated his home address and couldn't be right what he was seeing..The house was small and tilting a little,not that he mined that much but the fact that there was puke on the floor made him think other wise.

As he knocked on the door it felt like he was entering the house of horrors.What is this place ?

"he silently prayed..god help him.He couldn't stand the thought of getting drunk every living hour and socialising for the love of god.It was zayns worst nightmare.

As he knocked on the door his anxiety rose,thoughts of if they would hate him or bully him rose but he had to shut them off .it felt like he was entering the house of horrors.What is this place ?

Nobody answered.What the hell is this place he thought unsure if someone had pulled an idiotic prank on him.

hello?"a brunette male approached him from the door.

"hi erm I'm Zac- Zayn I mean-"he fumbled like a bloody idiot

"Sorry I-erm am meant to be staying here for this semester"he had hoped he would say nope and to tell him to be on his day but he guessed god wasn't on his side today

"Oh you erm yeah come in"he said a little awkwardly.

"sorry for the mess by the way ,we do like to party"he chucked

Party?this is more than a little party he thought.As he entered through the door it was dark and narrow,didn't they have any fucking lights or something?there were plenty of cloths,drink cups and stuff he couldn't even make out..and he didn't want too anyway.

"So up the top is your room and feel free to come down at the party tonight"he nodded and took a swig out of a random cup on the table.Ew gross.

"Um yeah maybe"he said but definitely didn't plan too.

He waved awkwardly and headed up the flights and he meant flights of stairs.He felt like he was in bloody Hogwarts at this point.It did look small but boy it had people crammed in it.He awkwardly walked around the crammed hallway and hallelujah he made it!The boy could almost cry as finally he made it safe,well at least safe and he could and sound.

He opened the door and well at least it was clean ish he thought.He set his suitcase down and layed on his bed ,finally he was here and he could breathe..

He could feel his breath slow,his heartbeats beats weren't so fast and he didn't feel like he was going to cry at any moment.

He cringed as his head pounded.He should probably get some sleep he thought.He scanned his eyes and saw the door opened slightly ,he made a mental note too shut it later,he was to exhausted to get up.

The blinks got slower and his eyes finally won letting sleep overtaking him..

He awoke to music..and a lot of it.It blared into his ears.Well he figured that was his cue to get up.He stood up and strolled to his suitcase opening it up to grab his laptop,charged and mouse deciding to start some "early"studying.

He flopped on his bed and it became clear he wasn't going to be studying anytime soon with the noise.Mabye he could try a book?he was desperate ,anything to fix him Boredom he thought..and that's what he did for what seemed forever.

Untill he heard footsteps,Bang.Bang.Zayn stood up,his room was at the top so someone was coming up with a purpose right?he pondered for a while before it hit him.

"Shit the door!"he looked desperately with his eyes like that was going to make the door shut but it was too late,instead his was met with piercing sapphire eyes.He gullped.He had never seen someone with such beauty in his life,he felt breathless or was he just holding his breath?

"Wacha reading?"he slurred trailing his eyes over his body sprawled over his bed

"Oh I- it's about a- a- snake"he babbled trying to get his words out but internally groaning,fucking great.

but to his surprise the boy almost smiled..

"Snakes?!God I love them"he grinned charmingly,his eyes stared into zayns soul.literally.

"I have one come see"he motioned clumsily,holding onto the door ,zayn stood up cautiously,unsure on what this hot drunk blond was going to do to him..

"cmon I don't bite"he said licking his lips like a hungry tiger..

"Follow me doll"zayn blushed at the nickname,hopefully not to obvious

Zayn followed Niall and he stared at his veiny hand,there hands brushed against each other.Zayn blushed..

Niall and him went down countless stairs before they reached a floor that looked similar to his except there was far more beer bottles and rubbish then on his floor thankfully.

"don't mind the mess"he murmured but he could tell he didn't care.Zayn scooted into his room and he smiled,it was messy yes but it had personality.There were countless photos on the wall with chords hanging all other the place,a guitar rested on the bed and no supprise more beer bottles.In the corner he saw a beauty

"h-he's pretty"zayn said almost in a whisper

"You gotta speak up doll can't here you"he slurred curling his lips up a bit.

I said hes beutiful"zayn spoke finally not stuttering.Finally.

"Well yeah he is"Niall grinned going to get him out the cage ,somehow able to handle him even though he's in such a state.

"Hey babydoll"he said in a soft voice making kissy noises.Zayn tried to suppress his giggles but failed miserably.

"Hey what's so funny about my snake"he frowned but zayn could tell he was bluffing

"Nothing it's just..cute"zayn blushed playing with his hands

"cute huh?"Niall said edging closer towering over him

"You know what else is cute?"



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