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Condor moved through the ranks, his voice a steady anchor amidst the chaos. "Hold the line! Don't let them through!" He could see the strain on his men's faces, the desperation in their eyes. But he also saw their determination, their resolve to stand firm despite the overwhelming odds.

The droid army continued to press forward, their mechanical precision relentless. Condor's blaster carbine grew hot in his hands, but he didn't falter. Each shot was a calculated strike, each movement a precise counter to the advancing enemy.

Tank's squad was holding the main entrance valiantly, the sheer force of their combined firepower creating a kill zone that the droids couldn't cross easily. "Keep up the pressure!" Tank roared, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "They're breaking!"

On the left flank, Slice was a blur of motion. His vibroblade flashed as he moved between the droids, striking with deadly accuracy. "We need more support here!" he shouted, deflecting a blaster bolt aimed at one of his men.

Sparks, crouched behind a makeshift barricade, was deep in concentration as he worked to maintain communications and intercept enemy signals. "Lieutenant, I've picked up a transmission!" he called out. "They're sending in reinforcements from the west! We've got minutes, maybe less."

Condor's mind raced. They were already stretched thin. He looked to General Unduli and Barriss, who were holding their ground with impressive skill. "General, we need to divide our forces. I'll take a squad to intercept the reinforcements. Can you hold the outpost?"

General Unduli nodded, her expression resolute. "We can hold. Go, Lieutenant. May the Force be with you."

Condor quickly gathered a squad, including Sergeant Brawl and a few of his best men. "Slice, you're with me. We're going to hit those reinforcements before they can join the main attack."

Slice's temper was palpable, but so was his determination. "Let's make sure those clankers regret showing up."

They moved swiftly through the rocky terrain, using the natural cover to their advantage. The sound of approaching droids grew louder, and Condor signaled for his men to spread out. They took positions behind boulders and in crevices, their blasters trained on the approaching enemy.

As the first wave of reinforcements came into view, Condor gave the signal. "Open fire!"

The ambush was perfectly executed. Blaster bolts rained down on the unsuspecting droids, cutting them down before they could react. The element of surprise was theirs, but Condor knew it wouldn't last long.

"Keep up the pressure! Don't let them regroup!" he shouted, his voice steady and commanding.

Brawl's short temper seemed to fuel his ferocity. He moved with a fierce intensity, his blaster mowing down droids with ruthless efficiency. "Push them back!"

The droids, caught off guard, struggled to mount a defense. Condor's squad pressed the advantage, their coordinated attacks dismantling the enemy reinforcements with precision. The battle was intense, but the clones' superior training and tactics prevailed.

As the last of the droids fell, Condor took a moment to catch his breath. The immediate threat was neutralized, but he knew they couldn't rest. "Good work, everyone. Let's get back to the outpost and reinforce our brothers."

They made their way back to the outpost, where the battle was still raging. The defenses were holding, but barely. The droids' relentless assault showed no signs of stopping.

"Lieutenant!" Tank called out, relief evident in his voice as he saw Condor and his squad returning. "We've been holding, but it's getting tougher by the minute."

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