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Elizabeth 'Betty' James was no kook, she grew up with her friends John B Routledge and JJ Maybank. They had been close ever since the third grade, the trio had been unstoppable.

But when Pope Heyward joined, it was no different. The now quadruple spent most of their time together, well when Betty's sister let her out of course.

In the beginning of high school, Kiara Carrera joined their group. Betty was slowly zoned out from the group, and it broke her heart to watch her friends be okay without her.

Inez James was Betty's older sister by 8 years, she knew everyone and everything about them. The woman often watched the pogues, and it pained her when she realized that they didn't miss her sister at all.

"Nini?" Betty questions as Inez walked through the door to their small home by a dock. "Hey." Inez calls which made Betty smile. 

"Anything new happen at work today?" Betty questioned as she moved her guitar off her lap, giving her full attention to her sister. 

Inez shrugged as she slumped onto the couch. "Just heard there was a kegger tonight." Inez says which made Betty's ears perk up. Inez knowing her sister grinned for a moment.

"You can go-" Inez stopped when Betty squealed, hugging Inez close. "But! But, you can't do anything stupid, and I want you home by 12." Inez says, Betty nodding happily.

"I will, I promise." Betty says as she rushes towards her room and gets changed. She put on a tank top and a pair of jean shorts,, tying her hair up and slipping her shoes on.

"Be safe!" Inez called as Betty rushed out the door as the sun slowly set, the girl walking down the street of the cut, already knowing where the kegger was...the boneyard.


JJ Maybank was never one for sentiments, he just wanted to live his life and have fun to its fullest extent. So when he saw Betty James walking on the sand towards the keg, talking to her friend Jude, why did his heart fall?

"Betty!" Jude exclaims as she wrapped her arms around Betty, the girl giggling as she held her blonde friend close. 

"Let's get you a beer." Jude says as she filled up a red solo cup, handing it to Betty who began to drink with with a smile.

Betty looked around, her eyes meeting the familiar blue ones of JJ Maybank, her smile dropping a bit. The blonde boy tried to smile, but she simply looked back towards Jude and spoke with her.

The sun set, the sky now dark and littered with stars. After Agatha Betty's phone didn't get cell service, or had the ability to charge so she left it at home, depending on her watch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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