Okay Then

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(word count: 1196)

After Max won the X-Games he celebrates with his team. Bradley's teammates join his team in the celebration and they all have fun but Max notices Bradley is nowhere to be seen. Max makes an excuse to go to the skate park saying he left something. Goofy tells him to be quick so he doesn't miss the party. Max nods and leaves searching the entire skatepark but Bradley is nowhere to be seen. He then heads to the nearby park.

(Max's POV)

I have looked around everywhere.
That self absorbed dude has to be here somewhere. God it's getting dark

I walk around for a bit then spot familiar maroon v-neck sweatered brown haired prick sat on a bench.
He looks..... Almost sad? It's kinda weird to see.

I slowly approach behind him.
"it's a bit cold to be out here, isn't it?...."

Brad: *grunts* "go away Maximilian."
Just Max is fine dude

"sorry but last I checked you are my towel boy now" *I smirk and sit by him then realise his eyes are puffy* "have you been crying Brad?"

Brad: *rubs nose and looks away from me* "god no. Mind your own business Maximilian. And it's Bradley not 'Brad'."
Potay-to pota-to

*I sigh* "don't lie Brad. I can tell by your lies"

Brad: *gets agitated and snaps at me* "My names Bradley. Just go and celebrate with all your friends." *stands and paces as he talks waving his arms around in frustration* "be happy and loved. Knowing how great you are. Such a good talented person. Celebrate beating me."

*I tilt my head* "Bradley....."

Brad: *still pacing angrily* "no Maximilian. I bet you think you are so much better than me. I bet you are planning to humiliate me and make fun of me. Taking all my friends and-"
Dude shut up

"woah woah. Brad that's not at all what's happening. I came here looking for you so you can join in at the party"

Brad: *scoffs* "I don't need your stupid party."

*I sigh and nod* "so you are heading home then?"

Brad: *rolls eyes* "none of your business."

"i was gonna offer you a ride since its getting dark and the parks lights are turning on. But sure be like that." *I storm off from the bench*

Brad: *shouting as I leave* "I'm rich I don't need a lift from your disgrace of a father!"
I roll my eyes not giving him the satisfaction of a reaction.

I return to the party and celebrate with everyone. As we leave it begins snowing and I get in the car with my dad. He starts to drive and we talk about how cool the X-Games was and how we won. I look out the car window at the snow as we drive home but as I do I spot a familiar maroon v-neck sweater in the darkness.

"Hey dad can you pull over for a second?"

Goofy: *nods* "sure thing son" *pulls over*

"I'll be right back" *I get out of the car and run over to Bradley who is just mindlessly walking as he shivers* "well well well"

Brad: *eyes widen for a moment then he scoffs* "oh great. Did you stop to laugh? Go on. Laugh."
Always expecting the worse out of people? huh?

"no. I was just wondering if this rich spoilt boy wanted to get a ride from my 'disgrace of a father'?"

Brad: *mutters* "I ain't spoilt."

*I look him up and down* "ye.... Clearly.... Come on get in my dad's car."

Brad: *grunts* "no I can walk."
Don't be stubborn

*I face palm* "you are literally shivering and can barely walk. If we leave you out here we could be blamed for your death."

Brad: *chuckles slightly* "oh of course this is just cause you don't wanna be-" *sneezes making a squeak noise* "Blamed for my death"

*chuckles trying not to point out the squeak* "god no. This is cause I'm a decent person. You should try it some time."

Brad: *pushes past me* "go screw yourself, Maximilian"

*I see him shiver like crazy as he walks and I grab his arm dragging him into my dad's car* "dad we are taking this stubborn child home"

Brad: *struggling* "I ain't going anywhere with you weird goofs! Plus I'm older than you Maximilian!"

*manages to hold him down in the car* "we are taking you to your home idiot. Just give my dad the address" *I close the doors as Brad calms down and reluctantly sits properly in the backseat with me*

Brad: *rolls eyes* "whatever." *he reluctantly gives his address. He then just stares silently out the window*

Goofy: "y'know I was right about cheaters never winning.... huuh?"

Brad: "shut up."

Goofy: "Hey! I could kick you out of this car right now young boy!"

*I nudge Brad* "he was only joking Dad"

Me and my dad talk the intire ride. I spot Brad clearly listening in on our conversations but never bothering to join in. We then arrive at what I can only assume is his parents mansion.

Goofy: "we are here! Go on Brad"

Brad: *grunts* "my name is Bradley. Brad-ley. Why can't either of you goofs get it right?" *he looks in his pockets* "goddamn it where are my keys"

"did you leave them somewhere?"

Brad: *shakes head* "they were in my pocket when I left the park" *thinks for a few moments then looks frustrated* "they must of fell out when you dragged me! Goddamn it" *he puts his hands through his hair looking genuinely stressed*

"woah hey...." *I put my hand on his shoulder* "can't you just get one of your parents to open the door?" *I give a warm smile*

Brad: *still very much stressed checking his pockets like he expects them to appear* "no. They'd kill me if I woke them up."

Goofy: "they won't kill you! You are their son they should be happy that you made it home safe" *he gives his goofy smile*

I look at Brad and I can tell he's very stressed at the idea of waking his parents up.

"Hey dad? Why can't Brad just stay with us tonight?"

Brad goes to object

Goof: "his parents would have to be okay with it....."

Brad: *mutters* "my parents probably won't notice I'm gone"

Goof: "A-okay then!" *starts*

Brad: *jumps* "Hey wait!- doesn't mean I agree!"

*I chuckle and nudge him* "your fault for saying your parents won't notice"

Brad: *rolls eyes* "don't touch me freshman"

*I roll my eyes and whisper* "funny how you change your attitude when you aren't thinking of your parents"

Brad: *nudges me*

*dramatically* "so you are allowed to touch me? But God forbid I touch you!"

Goof: *looking behind for a second* "what on earth are you two doing back there?"
Nothing bad dad don't be like that

Brad: *goes a bit red* "uh nothing!"

*I look at him for a moment but he gives me a cold shoulder*
Okay dude?

I look outside at the snow as my dad brings us home.

Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Max x Bradley ~ Maxley) Where stories live. Discover now