Just Some Fun

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(word count: 1665)

As they arrive at the Goof's house Max shows Bradley inside as he grumbles about having to stay with them for the night. Bradley keeps sneezing and Goofy insists that he should take some sort of medicine but Bradley refuses. Max shows him to his room.

(Bradley's POV)

Maximilian: *showing me into his room* "so this is my room.... Sorry for the mess.... You can sleep here with me tonight"

*I sneeze* "Do you not have a spare room or anything?" *I look around at his messy room and watch him pick up his dirty clothes*

Maximilian: *shakes head while picking up clothes* "you can stay in the living room if that's better for you"

*I sneeze* "you have a really small house huh?" *I sit on his bed and accidentally place my hand on one of his underwear he left on his bed and my cheeks warm up as I quickly stand and back away from it* "God Maximilian! You should clean your room more."

Maximilian: *looks at me weirdly then notices why I stood up and chuckles* "can't handle boxers? God don't you change in the changing room or are you too fancy to change with the others into your stupid skateboard outfit?"

"Hey! The outfit isn't stupid" *I cross my arms* "And for the record I don't change with the others for different reasons"

Maximilian: *chuckles as he cleans up all his clothes* "oh do tell Brad~"
Screw you

*I scoff* "Mind your own business Maximilian"

Maximilian: "whatever, also just 'Max' is fine"

"And Bradley instead of Brad is preferred but I guess we both won't get what we want." *I sneeze*

Maximilian: *sighs* "whatever. You can borrow some of my clothes to sleep in"

"why would I do that?"

Maximilian: "cause you don't have anything to change into and I doubt someone as fancy as you would want to sleep in what you always wear"

*I roll my eyes* "fine whatever." *i look at his clothes*

Maximilian: "you can also go for a shower if you are sweaty from the competition"
God no

"I don't get sweaty." *i pick up one of his hoodies* "do you not have anything better?" *I sneeze*

Maximilian: "take it or leave it. You can sleep with just a hoodie if that makes you more comfortable. I don't care"

*I murmur* "of course you don't" *I take his hoodie with me into the bathroom down the hall and lock the door behind me*

As I take off my clothes and put his hoodie on I look in the mirror. I sort out my hair and step back and try to make the oversize hoodie not look too big on me. I then walk out of the bathroom and see Goofy trying to shove a mattress into Maximilian's room. I just watch him struggle and how Maximilian is laughing and trying to help him. They look so happy..... I just keep watching and how they manage to get it in..... Goofy hugs Maximilian afterwards and says goodnight to him afterwards....... As Goofy walks past me he says goodnight to me as well. I give him a little nod then walk into Maximilian's room. He's sorting out the bed and it's covers and I just watch him until he notices me and jumps.

Maximilian: *jumps slightly* "oh sorry didn't see you there" *stands and looks me up and down making my cheeks go weirdly warm for a moment before I sneeze* "that hoodie is a bit big for you huh?"

Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Max x Bradley ~ Maxley) Where stories live. Discover now