13. Caleism Merchandise

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"With.. Joonghyuk...?" Cale asked, just to make sure his hearing wasn't deceiving him.

"Yeah! If you feel lonely, you can be with master then! He's also alone." Jihye said excitedly.

"I'm more comfortable alone..."

"Okay boomer." Jihye pouted, annoyed.

"Everyone's going with a partner. You don't want to be the only one without one, do you?" Heewon asked, worried for him.

"Huh? We are?" Dokja asked.

Heewon looked at him with eyes that spoke, "isn't it obvious?"

"Oh— y-yeah..."

"It'll make you feel envious if you're alone by yourself." Heewon chuckled.

"..." Cale didn't want to answer. Never have he felt envious or alone in such situations. "Fine, whatever." He agreed.

"Yes!" Jihye held up her clenched fist, like her parents gave her something she desperately wanted after begging them repeatedly.

"Why don't we get matching outfits for our partners then?" Sangah happily announced.

"Let's go shopping!!" Jihye cheered as she ran out of the room.

'No told me we're going to match!' Cale whined.

They shortly followed Jihye outside the estate.

"Cale, do you know any places that are good for shopping for clothings?" Heewon asked.

"No." Cale shook his head. "I don't really go shopping outside. They're usually delivered to me or custom made."

"Guess we'll have to wander around again."

"Dokja." Gilyoung pulled onto Dokja's sleeve. "What's that place?"

They all looked up to see where the boy was pointing at.

"A.. cult...?"

They all questioned, flabbergasted at the sight in front of them.

"What the hell is that, Cale?!" Jihye yelled unconsciously out of shock.

"..." Cale was silent. He wasn't flabbergasted, it was quite a common sight actually, he actually was feeling fed up with this crap. Cale sighed, "it is a cult, like you said."

"What the actual fuck...?" Jihye repeated in another way.

The store they were referring to was a merchandise store under the name of Caleism Merchandise... it sold things.. in the design of Cale...? To be precise, their designs were straight up just Cale's appearance just morphed to fit whatever item they had in store.

"Gilyoung.. why did you point at that? Are you curious about it?..." Dokja asked, in complete worried for his son.

"No." Gilyoung answered innocently. "Some guy in a white robe handed me a flyer so I looked at the place he was handing it out from and I found that store."

"It's a good thing you told a trusted adult about this." Heewon said as she stared blankly at the store.

'When did they even open up another store?!' Cale panicked and freaked out at the same time. He knew about Clopeh's crazy ass cult and store he opened up, but he never imagined they'd actually expand.

Unfortunately, the cultists of Caleism had expanded their religion after a very generous donator appeared.


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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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