Let Go

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- October 1st 2024 -
Smiling soflty I watched him write in his notebook that I had gifted him for our 4th anniversary. Though i never knew what he was writting, its always been a mystery since he's gotten it. "It's almost your 25th birthday...can you believe it?" I tilted my head at him as if he could hear me. I chuckled at his confused face before he went back to writting "God I wish you could hear me. It feels so quiet without hearing your voice." I shivered as I felt the wind blow past me--Knowing who it was i stayed facing the other way.-- "Hi Lily.." I said soflty before turning my head, smiling gently when I was met with her standing next to me. "Hey Els..It's almost time." I nodded with a shaky sigh, "I know..." I whispered before looking back at Maxon silently.
- October 24th 2024 -
"1 day let huh..." I said as I walked beside him, watching as he took in the scenery around us. "It's pretty today isn't it? I remember us walking down this path everyday after school.." I smiled, "you'd start whining after 20 minutes because your feet would start hurting because of those shoes you wore." I shook my head laughing at the thought of it

I heard laughing which shook my out of my thoughts. I looked over and seen a couple laughing, I looked towards Maxon seeing him gazing towards their direction, I let my head fall "Max..I'm so sorry.." I looked back up when I seen his feet move. He continued walking, playing with the ring on his finger—our promise ring—

I felt another rush of wind as I watched him walk away. "You know it's not your fault...." I shook my head "I know it's hard to take in Els, but things happen for a reason." I let the tear fall down my face seeing his figure disappear into the other path. "It is my fault...h-he's gonna be all alone, because I couldn't keep my promise." "There's no way you could have known...you have to let it get. He has to let go."

- October 25th 2024 -
I sat on beside him on the bench, watching as he wrote in his notebook. "You've written in this every single day, yet I still don't know what's in it.." I chuckled softly, "Happy Birthday My love..." I listens to the soft sound of his voice humming the song he used to sing to me when I couldn't fall asleep. "You used to love singing that to me when I would stay at your house." I smiled at the memory, "I would stay up for hours just to be able to hear your voice."

I closed my eyes, taking in the sound filling my ears mouthing the words along. He sang for a few minutes longer before he stood up and began to pack his things, making sure he got everything by listing off the things he put in the bag out loud making me smile—things never change—

The wind passed again and I knew. "It's time." I nodded gently, "the lighter was placed in his pocket. All he has to do it's light it." I stood there and waited. He soon began waking, placing his hands in his pockets until his face held confusion. "What is this?.." he tilted his head as he lit it. I smiled as I felt myself become heavier.

"Max..." he looked towards me, his eyes widened "Els..." I walked to him and rested my hand on his cheek, "Hi..." His eyes filled with tears, "How..How are you here...you died..."

- Flashback -
"Maxon! I-I'm here!" I panted out as I rested my hands on my knees, "Do you know how long I've been waiting here?" He spoke with a cold tone, making me gulp. "I know..I know I'm sorry, I overslept" I stood straight up getting a clearer view of him. "For three hours? I've been standing here looking like a fucking idiot for three hours!" He yelled causing me too look down. "I've been working nonstop max I'm sorry. I was tired..." he scoffed, "too tired to miss my birthday apparently."

I looked at him "no! Babe I said I was sorry, I didn't mean too" he rolled his eyes. "Whatever, just go back to sleep. My birthdays over anyway." He walked away, "no max wait please I'm sorry!" I looked down once again until I heard someone yell, "Hey look out!" My head instantly looked towards maxon who was walking towards a speeding truck, my body acted on its own and ran towards him. I got to him and pushed him away. Then everything went black.

-Maxon pov-
I walked away, I heard her apologies but didn't look back. I kept walking until until I heard someone yell, I looked around until my body was pushed out of the way and a crash was heard. my brain didn't process the crash until my eyes landed on Ella's body laying on the floor, "Ella...Ella!" I ran to her, falling to my knees, lifting her body towards me "baby please, come on open your eyes love, Ella open your eyes!" I moved my hand from her head, seeing the blood I cried out, "someone! Help! Please!" I sobbed, "please..." I leaned my head towards her, rocking our bodies back and forth.

- End of Flashback -
- Present -
"When I was hit..I woke up. I could see my body in your arms. A grim reaper by the name of Lily came to me. She had asked me what I wanted before I went to the after life. I told her I wanted to stay with you until your next birthday. On that day you'd light the lighter, like you did. I would be able to say goodbye to you. To say that I'm sorry," At this time both of us were in tears, Maxon held my body close.

"Y-you w-ere here the e-entire time.." he cried, "every second of everyday.." "then why haven't..why haven't I been able to s-see you.." I lifted his head and whipped his tears, "because if I asked for you to be able to see me...it would have been harder to let go when time came.." "Els..." he sobbed out, "hey, hey..it's okay," I pecked his lips, "It's okay...but I need you to know Im sorry..I'm so sorry...I should have been there; it's my fault.." he shook his head, "no..baby no..I shouldn't have gotten angry and walked away...you did nothing wrong..." I went to speak but a gust of wind blew against us

I looked over, "It's time..." I nodded towards Lily as Maxon held me close, "what is it..." I looked back towards him and kissed his forehead, "it's time for me to go Max..." he shook his head, "no no no, Ella please, don't leave me again." He cried, I let my own tears fall as I placed my lips on his gently. Soon I pulled away, "y-you'll be okay..I promise..you'll see me soon..just in time.." I felt myself slowly fade away, more tears fell as he tried to keep his hold on me. "Els please, please don't leave me again." He dropped to his knees, I leaned down and kissed his head. "It's time to let go Max..."
The end -

- I would be mean and leave it at that. But I'm nice tonight. -

- Afterlife -
I walked down the path, feeling the breeze of the wind on my face. I close my eyes and stood still for a few seconds listening to the sound of the grass moving. I continued to stay silent, listening quietly until I heard a noise behind me. I tuned around and my eyes widened, "max.." he smiled gently "hey baby.." I rushed to his arms, letting myself fall in them. "It's been a week, you shoudlnt be here..you had a life to live..." he kissed my head, "I couldn't be alway from you..I knew I would end up here anyway. I came early to spend the rest of eternity with you.." he said softly, stroking my cheek wiping the tears that fell.

"Max.." he shook his head, "don't ask...just know that it didn't hurt okay?" I nod my head, connecting my lips to his, taking in the warmth of his body pressed against mine. We soon pulled away and smiled, "are you ready to spend the rest of eternity with me?" He asked, "I wouldn't want it any other way." I smiled.

- the end, again -

Let go [ Ella X Maxon ] Where stories live. Discover now