its not your fault

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Lexie fell asleep in the arms of Leah after long hours of reassurance and pain, the girl had been through so much and wasn't even an adult.

Leah managed to settle the girl in her bed and leave her with a note of reassurance for when she woke up, she departed from the little girl she had grown such a connection to and walked downstairs to find Lexie's carer and the person who called her, Tom.

Leah knocked on the door of his office

Tom: "Come in"

Leah: "Hi Tom, i just want to say thank you for calling me"

Tom: "I'm sorry we had to do that Leah, she just had seemed to grow such a connection with you and she needed at least one sense of security in the situation"

Leah: "Please don't be sorry, i'm always here for her if she needs, she looked so vulnerable and small today, if i'm someone who can help her please call me every time"

Tom: "Is she okay now"

Leah: "Shes in her bed asleep, her fists are slightly bruised and there's a few cuts that might need cleaning but other than that she seemed more calm when i left her"

Tom: "The girls been through so much and today was the one day that pushed her over the edge" he sighed

Leah: "Does she have any foster family's or people interested in fostering or adopting her"

Tom: "She hasn't since she was 11"

Leah: "Is there any chance i could foster her, and maybe even adopt"

Tom: "You would have to go through a process but i've seen how she is around you and she tells the girls how nice you are so i'm sure it wouldn't be a problem with her, i would be able to sort out so visitations out of the home and around yours if you would like"

Leah: "Yes please, you have my contact details so just contact me when you sort out the first visit" she smiled

Tom: "I will do Leah, thank you for everything your doing for her"

Leah: "She deserves it" she smiled


Frankie: "You okay lexie" she said noticing the girl awake staring at her ceiling in bed

Lexie: "mhm"

Frankie: "It's not your fault" she said hearing the commotion that went off earlier not have been in school

Lexie: "What" she said quietly

Frankie: "It's not your fault, any of it"

Lexie: "Oh i know" she said tears stinging her eyes at the fact she didn't know, all she ever did was blame herself

Frankie: "Do you want to talk about anything"

Lexie: "I've talked enough about it all today" she said rolling onto her side

Frankie: "Just know i'm always here Macks"

Lexie: "Thanks"

The older girls had been told that Lexie had gone through a lot today so most of them stayed clear from her not knowing what her reaction could be but not Frankie. She knew the girl was in pain and she knew that she was struggling, she also knew the girl was such a kind person that she didn't deserve anything that happened to her.

No one cared for her until she cameWhere stories live. Discover now