Chapter 8 You do all of this?

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Narrating "Thoughts" 'Talking' *Action* (System)


Y/N:' Ugg Whirlwind is still not a morning one I know that doesn't make sense but when did anyone ever need to make coherent sentences in the morning?' " Getting up and out of bed I then waked down the stairs and opened the front door then flied down to the Ever Free forest to the pond, I shoved my right claw in and pulled out two fish I then brought them close to my chest then flied up to my house. Walking into the house then closing the door behind me I walked over to the kitchen also seeing that the other two are not yet up, I then prepared my fish for eating and while I did Apple Jack came down."

Apple Jack:' Good morning Whirlwind.'

Y/N:' Good morning Apple Jack, did you sleep well?'

Apple Jack:' I did sleep well I can now see why Apple Bloom wanted a cloud bed for her self.'

Y/N:' Oh I am glad to hear that so what did she say about her new bed?'

Apple Jack:' Oh she tells us about how nice it felt and that it cleans its self and just how much she loves it so much.'

Y/N:' Well I am glad that she enjoys it also I am making myself breakfast so you will probably want to sit in the living room or at the dining table till I have finished.'

Apple Jack:' I though that you said you don't have food?'

Y/N:' I don't but I can go out and get myself food.'

Apple Jack:' Where did you get yourself food?'

Y/N:' In a pond in the Ever Free forest.'

Apple Jack:' What would you get for food from a pond?'

Y/N:' Fish.' " Almost done."

Apple Jack:' You eat FISH!?!?'

Y/N:' Ya Apple Jack after all I am still part dragon and dragons need meat for food also done so if you don't mind I am going to eat my breakfast, I also cleaned the counter so go do what you need to do.' " I used my magic to carry my cloud plate with the fish's on it to the dining room table then set in down then sat my butt down in the chair closes to the kitchen then started eating, after eating my fish's I then brought my plate over to the sink then washed it then put it up to dry then walked into the living room and sat down on the couch that is against the wall."

Apple Jack:" So what is the plan for the day when we get into the Ever Free forest.'

Y/N:' Mostly just walk around and look for some action also we are above the Ever Free forest so I am going to have to make a cloud platform for you to use to be able to go down and get back up here to the land.'

Apple Jack:' Wait what?'

Y/N:' If you want to see for yourself all you have to do is go out and look over the cloud fence.' " And that is just what Apple Jack did she opened the front door then walked out to the fence that I put up last night, then she came back in leaving the front door open then asked."

Apple Jack:' When did we get here over the Ever Free forest?'

Y/N:' Last night after I went up into my room.'

Apple Jack:' Alright then when do we go down?'

Y/N:' When both you and Rainbow Dash are ready also after I have made the cloud platform.' " I then walked out of the house and close the front door behind me, walking over to the fence I stop right in front of it and started to make clouds to use for the cloud platform, also my Reaction Speed stat is on so everything is slowed down. I worked on the platform till it was a solid cloud platform with a diameter of three meters and half a meter tall. Then after I finished it I turned off my Reaction Speed stat then walked back to the front door then opened it walked into the house then closed the door behind me, then walked over to the closes couch then sat down also looking around I don't see anyone around well that doesn't matter. I then use my Magic Recovery Technique till both girls came down."

i am in Mlp, and i am whirlwind, how?Where stories live. Discover now