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y/n pov

the 3 of us step off the bus, staring at the large school that almost radiates danger. the bus driver winks at us, and the 3 of us share a smirk. our skirts lift up, our panties spelling "fuck off bitch", each of ours one word. he snarls and closes the doors. we giggle and walk into the school, talking about the most random stuff.

"so like..why is the sky blue?" crybaby asks jokingly. "yeah, it should be rainbow." i play along, giggling softly as we make eye contact. "oh my god.." angelita shakes her head at us and we all crack up.

as we reach the large doors to the school of k-12, i take a deep breath and push the doors open. angelita walks beside me while crybaby hides behind me. "it's okay." i mumble and grab crybaby's hand, lightly tugging her to walk next to us. she seems to listen and some of her fear fades.

"i don't know why people are so scared of death." i say, looking around the beautiful but intimidating hallway as we walk to class. "i agree, it's just another part of life." angelita agrees while her eyes also wander around the school.  "you start in the womb, and end in the tomb.." crybaby says softly and i smile at her.

angelita stops in front of a door, crybaby and i do the same. "221.." angelita says, looking at the large numbers carved in the flourish designed door. "223.." crybaby looks at another door. "222." i finish, turning around and staring at the door that was behind us. "who's going first?" crybaby asks, obviously nervous. "not me." i mumble. "ill do it." angelita says, pushing the doors open quietly, crybaby and i following behind her.

the entire class snaps their heads in our direction, almost like they're brainwashed. "class, would you like to inform crybaby, angelita, and y/n of what rule they did not follow today?" our teacher, ms. daphne, asks aggressively. "when the bell rings, you must be in your assigned seat." the class says, creepily in unison.

"are you deaf? sit your asses down!" she snaps. "sorry ms. daphne.." we mutter, quickly walking to our seats. crybaby sits next to me, angelita across from us.

a male voice echoes over the schools crackly speakers. "all must stand for the pledge of allegiance."

"all rise!" ms daphne instructs. everyone stands from their seats, except for 1 boy. she gives him a piercing stare. "henry.." the boy, henry, remains seated. crybaby, angelita and i share alarmed glances. "on your feet." he doesn't get up.

the pledge starts. "i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands.." i glance at henry, who's still sitting. "im being generous with you, boy." "last chance to stand and show some respect." she says, getting more agitated.

"...with liberty and justice for all." the pledge finishes. "you hear that?" henry speaks. "liberty and justice for all?" he turns to face ms daphne. "that's bullshit." the class is silent, and she quickly walks to her desk and presses a button. seconds later, 2 men burst inside the classroom and grab henry by the arms, dragging him out despite his protests.

crybaby looks at me with a horrified expression, gripping my arm. i frown and look at angelita, who also looks frightened.

class goes on as if nothing happened. brandon asks crybaby for a pencil, and she gladly lends him one. i notice a faint blush on her cheeks and furrow my eyebrows in confusion. i see kelly biting her pencil jealously, and she knocks her pencil to the ground. she stands up, bends over to pick it up and shows off her ass to brandon. he smirks at her and she smiles smugly. ms daphne slams her ruler on the desk. "sit down!" she says angrily.

i guess crybaby forgot that kelly is brandon's "girlfriend", because a few moments later a crumpled paper ball lands on crybaby's desk. i look behind her to see kelly snickering with her friends. crybaby unravels it and it's a poorly drawn stick figure of crybaby with a tombstone, with something written saying, "you at recess". crybaby's eyebrows furrow. i take the paper from her and crumple it up, throwing it on the ground. Luckily ms. daphne doesn't see me. crybaby looks at me and mouths a thank you. i glance over at kelly and she glares at me.

ms daphne writes "nap time" on the chalk board while her nose bleeds. she hurries out of the classroom. the 3 of us make eye contact, our eyes going black at the same time and we giggle, sliding under our sleeping bags.

"angelita? crybaby?" i call out while crawling in the magical space. "we're over here!" i hear crybaby call back. "um..where would that be?" i shout back. "just follow our voices." i hear angelita say. a minute later i spot them, and we sit in a circle. "how do they expect us to sleep in there?" i roll my eyes. "i don't know..but I'm kind of sleepy..." angelita says while yawning. "well, wake up." crybaby tosses the paper ball at angelita. "i got this thrown at my head." she unravels it and looks up at crybaby. "who drew this?" she asks. "that girl kelly. i think she's trying to like, rip my head off or something." crybaby says with a sad face.

"well what are you gonna do?" "you gotta defend yourself." angelita says. "i cant defend myself, i don't know how to fight, i just..i don't even know how to do that like i-" crybaby rambles nervously but gets cut off by a slap from angelita. "ow!" crybaby hold her cheek. i glare at angelita. "y/n, you don't need to be defensive of her." i blush softly and put my head down. "yeah..sorry.." i mumble while angelita and crybaby continue talking. i notice crybaby glancing at me time to time. i feel her gaze burning on me, and i look up to meet her eyes. a blush creeps to her face and she turns away quickly.

"hold it together girl. we are capable of doing whatever we want." angelita says, lighting a flame on her fingers. "no, i cant be cheating." crybaby pours some water out of her hand to put out the fire. "do you really think we'd have to these abilities if we weren't supposed to use them?" i ask her. "i don't know, i just feel like i have an unfair advantage." crybaby says.

we hear something above us and look up, seeing kelly walking towards crybaby's bed. she takes a snake out of a jar and lets it slither underneath crybaby's blanket while smirking. we go back up to our beds and open our eyes.

next part up soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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