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As I walked into class I heard Bakugo yelling as usual

"Shut the fuck up Kirishima before I blow you the hell up!"

'This should be interesting'

"What are you yelling about now spikes?" I asked with sarcasm lacing my voice.

"None of your damn business afro!"

'Ouch who pissed in his cereal?'

"Whatever anger issues"


"Shut the hell up Bakugo!" Aizawa yelled from his sleeping bag

"Whatever." Bakugo mumbled under his breath
The bell rang indicating we could be dismissed for lunch, as I proceeded out the door Bakugo grabbed my wrist mumbling something under his breath.

"What was that?" I questioned

"I need to talk to you. Can you come with me? It won't take long"

"Um sure"

I felt my face heating up. I had the biggest crush on Katsuki. Not that I would admit it to Mina and the girls, they would have ratted me out to him.

"-n Y/n?"

"Oh sorry I spaced out for a second what is it?"

"I like you."

"Come again?"

"I likes ya and I wants ya. We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

*Nah I'm just fuckin wit y'all😹*

"I like you y/n. Will you be my girlfriend? I uh- got you flowers and a hello kitty plushie I know how much you like hello kitty"

"Oh my god. Yes I will be your girlfriend Katsuki!"

I smiled ear to ear hugging Him like my life depended on it. He pulled away, grabbed bout sides of my face gently, and placed a kiss on my lips.

I hope that was good 😊
Let me know how you guys feel about it
And I decided that Y/n will be short because I'm short (I'm 5'4🥲) sorry if you don't like it and most of the boys will be 5'9-6'5.

Let The World Burn. K. BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now