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I woke up and tried to sit up, being pulled back down by two arms.

"Katsuki get up, we have school."

'I know this nigga hear me'


"Be quiet Y/n" Katsuki whined

"We have school, get up."

"Fuck school."

"Y/n. Bakugo. You both are late." Aizawa stated


"Whatever, damn hobo."

Me and Katsuki took our separate seats in class as the lesson continued. I already knew the curriculum and was top in the class. I really didn't need to be here but, I need to actually do the work to pass the class and graduate to be a pro hero.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize class had ended.

"Y/n, what do you wanna do today? I'm not tryna be stuck inside all day everyday." Katsuki asked, leaning on my desk as I got up from it.

"I don't know, do you want to go to a trampoline park or something" I suggested.

"Sure just make sure those big melons of yours are secured. We don't need creeps looking at them while we jump. Do we?" Katsuki said with a smirk.

"N-no. And why are you looking at my boobs!" I exclaimed covering them.

Katsuki chuckled at my antics. Before telling me to come on. We walked to my house in a comfortable silence.

"Are you going home and coming back or waiting?"

"If I go to my house real quick to change you can't walk to mines. I don't want you walking anywhere or going anywhere by yourself." Katsuki said glaring down at me.

"Ok, ok. Just hurry up."

"I thought I told you not to walk by yourself."

"You were taking to long!" I exclaimed rolling my eyes.

"When we get back from the trampoline park I'ma show your ass what happened when you don't listen. Cause you think somebody playin' with you." Katsuki said angrily.

"Whatever, like you finna do shit." I mumbled.

"Don't worry I'ma show yo ass later." He grumbled. "Think somebody playin' with you."

Me and Katsuki were at the trampoline park having the time of our lives. We got some weird looks from adults here and there but, who cares, we're having fun.

"Katsuki I swear to god if you throw me in this foam we're fighting!" I laughed as he put me on his shoulder next to the foam pit.

"I'll take that chance!" He said before throwing me in and running away.

"When I catch you, you're done for!" I yelled laughing while climbing out.

I chased Katsuki all around the building. It seemed as if I looked away for one second and he was gone.

'Where this nigga go?'

I walked around looking for Katsuki. I even looked in the foam pit. He was nowhere to be found.

'Where could this nigga be?'

I looked around some more before calling out for Katsuki a few times.

'I know this wigga didn't ditch me.'



"Oh my fucking god that was not funny at all!"

"Y-y-you should have seen t-the look on your face!" Katsuki yelled hold his stomach hunched over laughing. "It was priceless!"

I huffed and walked away from Katsuki hearing him call out my name, telling me to wait.

"No! You're a bully! That's what you are!" I said angrily.

"Aww is someone mad?" Katsuki asked grabbing me pulling me into a tight hug rocking back and forth. "It's okay you big baby."

Me and Katsuki walked in silence.

'Maybe he forgot what he said earlier.'

"Don't think I forgot about earlier Y/n."

'Fuck. I jinxed it.'

"What are you gonna do?"

"You finna find out. Go up to my room. Make yourself comfortable. I'll be up there in a minute."


'What the hell is his crazy ass planing?'

I may start writing longer chapters but that'll mean they're gonna come out slower. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Constructive criticism is very welcome.
I hope you have a good day/night.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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