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I haven't written a smut story in a while so I'm not sure how good this will be. If you enjoy it, please let me know. Thank you for all the support. Enjoy :)

Dabi's pov.

Walking into the L.O.V. the smell of whiskey burned my nose. I could hear what sounded like Shiggy and Toga talking at the bar. I made my way through the living room, then into the bar. Shiggy was in black skinny jeans, a red crop top, and combat boots. Toga was sitting next to him wearing a similar outfit, but in opposite colors.

"Where are you two off to," I voiced, walking up to the bar and taking a seat next to Shiggy.

"We're going to this new club that just opened up," Toga responded, leaning over the bar; exposing her whole chest to me.

"Oh?" I questioned, turning and looking at the blue haired boy next to me, while raising one of my eyebrows.

"She's forcing me to go. I just want to get back in bed," he responded, turning away from me. I looked up at Toga. she beamed with a smile looking back at me.

"Do you mind if I go?" I asked, hopping off the bar stole. Before Toga could answer Shiggy spun around and screamed 'NO!' then he ran away.

"Oh, don't mind him, it's because the place is a BDSM club and he's really into you," Toga replied, then ran after him. I sat there shocked just looking in the direction they ran off to. 'Shiggy likes me?' I questioned, getting up and walking towards my room. The place was pretty quiet which was unusual. Usually there's people talking or playing video games or board games, but everyone else is on a mission to kidnap the boom boom boy. Toga is supposed to join them tomorrow morning, but she might not if she gets too drunk again. I know Shiggy can hold his liquor, but Toga can't. She can get drunk off of two shots. I walked past Shiggys room and saw that he left his door slightly open. I was just going to walk past it, but something was drawing me in. Opening the door I saw a black box on top of his bed. Written on top of the box in big bold letters was, 'Shiggy's do not open.' I walked over the plopped down on the bed. The room smelled like the woods, ashes, and a hint of mint. It all reminded me of him. I pulled the box into my lap and flipped open the box. Inside there were dildos, cuffs, anal plugs, and rope. The sight of it all gave me a boner. As I went to walk out of the room something in the corner of the room caught my eye. I walked over to his desk chair, and my jacket was laying draped over the chair. Smiling down at it I felt my boner grow more. I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

Shiggy's pov.

I was sitting at the bar when Toga came to me with an idea. She wanted to take me to a new club that just opened up. There were many clubs we could go to without begging, so I agreed. Unbenounced to me though it was a BDSM club. Don't get me wrong I am very into that type of thing, but I don't want the men or women all over me. I already have my eyes on someone and I have ever since they joined the L.O.V. walking into the club we were both asked what color band we wanted. Green meaning we can be touched and talked to, yellow meaning we can be talked to, but no touching, and red meaning we can't be talked to or touched. I went with the red one, but of course Toga went with the green one. As soon as we walked into the club she drugged me off to the bar.

"Can I get two shots of the house vodka," Toga basically screamed right in ear at the bartender.

"Coming right up, pretty lady," he responded, pouring the shots. As soon as he slid them to us Toga put it in her mouth and threw it back. I picked it up slowly, raised it to my lips, then set it back down. The only reason I set it back down was because there was a small white pill floating in it. I looked around, but didn't see anyone looking in my direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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