Intimacy (Chilchuck x Marcille)

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yea its a weird pair, dont come at me, i like the drama.

of course the first one i finish has to be a horny fever dream i came up with one night and reread in the morning like ?? but im still publishing it idc

also im lazy and dont want to proofread this one so if theres inconsistencies no there is not

Marcille's P.O.V.


Just what am I supposed to do now?

A sentient-like beast came crawling through last night, and after spotting me, it went bezerk and shot some sort of spores on me. Before it could get anywhere closer though, Laios had finished it off, but he didn't look happy about it. He looked worringly distressed about it actually.

At first, he let me complain. He let me complain and whine about it for 10 whole minutes before I finally got distressed enough about his obvious shifting glances and guilty look, as if a dog had a cookie in its mouth it was trying to hide.

"And what is it, Laios?!! Huh?? You've been giving me those weird looks ever since it shot whatever on me!!"
"Uh-! Uhm... uh..."

His cheeks flushed immediately, making me give him a comically unimpressed look. I don't believe he's confessing to me for a second, despite how it appears. That was way too unlike the bastard, he must know something I don't.

"I... I think I should tell you in private..."
"Oh no you don't, buddy." Chilchuck immediately barked, grabbing Laios by the arm and glaring at him. "Your timing is horrible, holy shit. Back off, I'm not having this awkward tension on my watch."
"H-Huh? Y... You know?? What it means??"
"You're making it comically obvious, you moron!!"
"Eh?? How??"

Laios gave a confused 'save me' look as Chilchuck scolded him, but I knew better because, well, Laios is gay, Chil just didn't know this.

"N-No, Chil, it's... okay, I probably need to-"
"No way!! Didn't you like Falin anyways??"
"Eh? You like Falin?" Laios asked, making my cheeks flush bright red immediately as I gritted my teeth, bonking him on his dumb head.

Laios looked at me with a confused, but urgent look, like he was going to explode if he didn't tell me, making me sigh.

"Here, Laios. Let's go." I said, grabbing his wrist and pulling gently to encourage him prancing with me. Prance he did, but it was more akin to a worried trot, which made me anxious. What could possibly be bothering him this much...?

We made it hidden behind a far away wall, and Laios gave me a sympathetic, meek stare before apologizing softly. Then, he said it.

"That monster was a pervert."
"... eh...?"
"That... monster... sucked, really bad."
"The point, Laios???"
"He infected you."

He bit his lip, then anxiously fiddled with his hand before leaning into my ear, whispering quietly.

"It's a spell... um... basically... it was a way to trap females of his species into mating with him, it's a sexual advantage... uh... you'll start to grow weaker and weaker, a-and um... it'll only stop when you... release... There's... no cure for now... They're too sparse of a species..."

I stood entirely still. I wanted to call him out for his god awful prank and call him a disgusting freak, but I hate that I know him far better than that at this point.

"You sure?" I asked matter of factly, which startled him before he nodded his head meekly, rubbing the back of his neck apologetically, as if he was in the wrong by this. "You sure that's the exact monster?" I asked again, wanting one more confirmation from him. And, without hesitation, he nodded once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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