Evan - Madelynn



when am i getting that picture

I was hoping you would forget about that

nope :D

i mean if you're really uncomfortable dont send one

Nah, it's fine

[One image attached] author's note: a blazer and snazzy pants or smth

aww did you get dressed up just for meeee

No, I just got back from something

a date???????



Not a date

booo youre no fun

probably some nerdy dorish english major nerd party

Remind me why I talk to you again?

So when do I get a picture of you?

woahhh buddy calm down

i'm literally in like

pajama pants and a hoodie rn

So what?

I don't care what you're wearing

ok fineeeeeeee

gimme two seconds

[One image attached] author's note: weird face bad angle selfie from the couch with the lights off and the only light at all coming from the tv

You look fine, I don't know what you're worried about

i look like raw spaghetti noodles smothered in oregano dont lie to me

What does that even mean?

figure it out alexander

thats an order fro m yoyr commander

tbh george eaker had a point

"piss off im watching a show now" so real though i would kill someone for interrupting my theater show

like stfu im busy crying

I'm getting increasingly concerned for your mental health


i feel ive instilled a proper amount of fear in you

author's note: so evan is supposed to text with perfect grammar but i hate grammar so if there's wrong grammar from him no there isn't

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