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In a quiet corner of the city lived an introverted girl named Sarah, who found solace in solitude and the enchanting world of her favorite TV series, *Happily Ever After*. The series was her escape from reality, a romance cringe series where she could lose herself in the lives of the characters. Yet, Sarah often found herself exasperated by the storylines. She was particularly irritated by the villain, whose schemes were both cruel and predictable, and the protagonist, who seemed to blunder through every challenge with naive optimism.

Sarah would often mutter to herself, criticizing the characters for their foolish decisions. "How can they be so stupid?" she would say, rolling her eyes at the screen. Despite her frustrations, she couldn't stop watching. The series had a strange hold on her, drawing her back episode after episode.

One evening, after an especially infuriating episode where both the hero and the villain made decisions that defied all logic, Sarah decided she needed a break. She headed to the kitchen to cook dinner, hoping the activity would distract her from the maddening plot twists. She turned on the stove and began preparing a simple meal.

Just as she reached for the spices, she heard a loud, ominous hiss. Before she could react, the gas tank exploded, and everything went black.

When Sarah regained consciousness, she found herself in a place that felt eerily familiar, yet completely unreal. She was no longer in her small apartment but in the world of *Happily Ever After*. The faces she had only seen on her screen were now around her, and she realized, with a mixture of disbelief and dread, that she was now part of the story she had both loved and loathed.

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