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Peter was walking in the wood to get flowers for his mother. He was 5 at the time. Zake is 6 at the time and was in the woods to just look at the flowers, trees, and animals. Zake spotted the little brown haired boy. "You there! Who are you?" Zak said.
"Oh... Umm I'm Peter... Peter Jake, and who might you be?" Peter said.
"I am Zake. The price of the kingdom."
"Oh!" Peter bowed to the little blonde haired prince.
"Haha! You are kind of cute... Peter." Peter blushed at the young prince's comment.
"Why thank you your highness... So are you..." Peter blushed a deeper red then before.
Zake laughed, "Thank you. So where do you live? I don't think I've seen you around the Palace."
"Oh! I live on the countryside."
"That's cool!"
"Maybe you can come over! You can meet my mum! She is a very sweet lady!"
"And what about your dad?"
"Oh... Well my dad died when I was a little baby..."
"Oh I'm sorry..."
"Its ok..."
"I would love to come over! Let's go to my Castle and tell my parents."
They went to the castle. "Wow! This is where you live!?" Peter asked.
"Yep I've lived here all my life." Zake said. "Mother? Father? I have found a new friend!"
"Who is it Zake?" A pretty lady said coming down the stairs with a handsome man.
"This is Peter. Peter Jake." Zake said.
"Its nice it meet you!" Peter bowed.
"Jake? Was your father Mr. Toby Jake?" Zake's dad, aka the king asked.
"Yes sir... I don't remember him that much... I was just a baby when he died... My mother said he was helping someone very powerful and a close family friend... She also said that when he past that her and the family friend stopped talking..." Peter said.
"Do you mind if we come home with you? Its been awhile sense we have seen your mum."
"Been awhile?"
"Yes... Maybe we should let your mum explain." The queen said.

They went to Peter's little house. When they got there Peter ran inside. "Mama!" Peter yelled.
"Yes, Peter?" She asked.
"I have found a new friend!!"
"That is awesome! Who is he?"
"His name is Zake! Him and his parents are here!"
"Well have them come in! I'll make some tea."
Peter went to go get his new friend Zake and Zake's mom and dad. They all sat at the table. When Peter's mom came into the dinning area she almost dropped the tea and tea cups. "Jack, Violet... Its been a long time... Peter, why don't you and Zake go play..."
"Ok mum. Come on Zake." Peter and Zake went up to Peter's room.

*A little later*
"Bye Zake..." Peter said and bowed.
"Peter, we are friends... Aren't we?" Asked Zake
"Friends don't bow to each other!"
"Oh... What do friends do then?"
"We hug!"
Peter and Zake hug, then Zake goes home.

*Years later*
(Peter is now 13 and Zake is 14)
"Mr. Power? Is my mum going to be ok?" Peter ask. "She wants to see you one last time... She doesn't have long..." Mr. Powers said as Peter rushed to his mothers room. "Mama!" Peter sobs. "Peter... Don't cry... Listen... You need to find someone you truly love... Take care of them and don't let them go..." His mom said sleepy.
"But mama, where am I going to go? I'm only 13!"
His mother doesn't answer. All she says is "I'm very tired... I'll talk you when I wake up..."
"MAMA!? MAMA! NO WAKE UP!!" Peter ran out of his house into the woods. He feel down to the ground and cried.
"You there! Who are you?" A voice said. Peter didn't answer. "Peter?" The voice said. "Zake...?"
"Peter? What happened?"
"I-its my mum..."
"Is she alright?"
"No! She got very sick and she just died!"
"Peter... Do you have somewhere to go?"
"No! I'm an orphan and I don't want another family!"
"Come live with me! You can be my brother!"
"No! I can't!"
"Why not? It would be fun!"
"Because! I'll have a crush on my brother!"
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that!" Peter runs off leaving Zake blushing and confused. "Peter! Wait!"

The two boys haven't seen each other since that day.

(A/N: hope you enjoy! Like comment and follow! Bye!)

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