Harry styles daughter

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Y/N = you
M = mum 
H = harry

Y/N POV ~ I was woken up by my alarm, all I wanted to do was to back to sleep but I knew I had to wake up and get ready for school, so I did. I got up and checked my social media and see who had texted me, of course no one had, I wasn't very popular in school, I mean I wasn't know as a weirdo I just wasn't popular. Once I was ready, I went downstairs got my school bag and keys and walked out the door. I got to school and went to the benches and waited for the first bell. Since I had no friends all I did was sit there on my phone and scroll through TikTok. Then the first bell rang and made my way to lesson. *the day skips by* Finally it was 3:00 which meant i got to go home. I got home and when I walked into the kitchen, my mum was standing in the kitchen and she looked like she was waiting for me.

"Y/N I need to tell u something I have been keeping from you"

"what?" I ask

"So basically... you know how you don't have a dad and I haven't said anything about him"

"Yeah" I say confused

"Well he wants to meet you"

"Oh yay is, is he nice?"

"Well one more thing, you kinda know him but not personally"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well..... he's a celebrity...."

"What!?, your joking"

"No Y/N, I'm not"

"Well??.... Who is he!?"

"..h-harry styles..."


"No I'm not"

"That's amazing!!, and he wants to meet me!?"

"Yeah, he asked if he can come pick you up 2 hours cause he knows you have school"

"Omg!! Okay I'm gonna go get ready" I say as I run up the stairs

I couldn't pull myself together, my dad, harry styles!? I dug through my wardrobe looking for something to wear that was actually nice. I finally picked out a nice outfit and went to go do my makeup. By the time I finished getting ready he was supposed to be here in 15 mins so I went downstairs and watched the tv but I was getting really nervous because of what he might think of me

H's POV ~ I was supposed to meet my daughter today but I was nervous of what she might think of me but no matter what she looks like or speaks like or anything I will still love her for her. The only thing is, no one knows about her not even my mum, so if anyone sees me with her I'm not sure what to say. I pull up to her house and gently knock on the door. After waiting for about 1 minute the door opened.

M's POV ~ I opened the door to see harry standing there

"I didn't think you'd actually come"

"To miss out on seeing my daughter? No chance"

We both start giggling. I lead harry into the living room where we see Y/N sitting on the couch watching the tv, she didn't even notice us standing behind her.

"Y/N" I say as she turns round"

"I'd like you to meet someone"

H's POV ~

"OMG!! I didn't think you would come!!"

"To miss out on seeing you? No chance" I say as we both start to giggle

"Wait how long am I spending with you?"

"The whole night if you like and maybe even another day if u want" I say smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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