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Waking up, they both put on there usual clothes, just down scaled. On there way to academy they were getting looks, probably due to Rimurus unusual hair colour.

They then stood infront of the door

''Hey Hinata, you ready?'' Rimuru asked.

''Im always ready, arent I?'' She replied

Walking in, the navigating to the class. Rimuru and Hinata looked around after sitting down, a blacked haired emo looking guy, yellow haired weird guy, girl with white eyes, some guy that smelt like a dog and had red face paint looking thing on him and some guy with his face covered with a hood and glasses. Totally normal.

''Okay class, since we have two new students, Hinata Sakaguchi and Rimuru Tempest. We will just be revising old work. But dont expect it to be easy!'' Iruka - Sensei told them.

They just werent listening at all, they just talked in there minds the whole time until they got to fight, they joined on the right day i suppose. They then got down to the field, Rimuru vs Sasuke,

Rimuru POV

Standing infront of him with some distance, Ciel told me he was the last of the uc-uchida clan? I think thats it.

'No its Uchiha.'
'No! Uchiha!'

''Fight!'' Iruka sensei ordered.

He lunged in? Weird way to fight, I dodged and got infront of him before he noticed, Iruke sensei said only Taijutsu and Jutsu?

'Taijutsu is hand to hand combat, Jutsu is the elemental and other stuff, like fireballs. I could put a few in your mind, i could also make some of you moves a jutsu, they will probably believe you since apparently skilled people are able to make some jutsu'

'Yeah, do that. Thanks Ciel, I dont have to say the name out loud right?'
'You do not.'

As i was infront of him, I right hooked him and then uppercutted him,  i then got behind him and threw a kick while he was in the sky to his head, i must have been to fast for him to react. His eyes are red, must be that eye thing Ciel told me and hinata. I used tha jutsu that Ciel gave me, water dragon or something like that, i must have put in to much power because Iruka teleported him and sasuke out. When it hit it created a massive crater.

''FIGHT OVER! Nothing lethal Rimuru!'' Iruka shouted.

I felt a little bad, but then again its a fight, what do they mean nothing lethal??
Hinata's turn is next right? That Sasuke guy keeps on looking at me, weird.

Hinata POV

Rimuru destroyed that guy, My turn to destroy someone. Someone with the name Hinata too. 

Iruka ordered the fight to start, she lunged at me and tripped a little? Wow. How amazing, 

I kick her gut faster then she reacts, I then jab her chest and use my left leg to kick her head, knocked out. That was easy.

''FIGHT OVER! Winner Hinata Sakaguchi.''

This is way to easy, is everyone here just weak? Also I notice the girls staring at Rimuru.. His mine.

I walk over to him and start talking to him in out minds

'Rimuru? That was way to easy. How are we even going to stay here without dieing of boredom.'
'No idea, but look at that blonde kid. His all alone, and remember we arent at our full power, there is probably people in this world that can beat us, so always be wary..'

'Any ideas on how to get out of this place to our world?'
'No.. but come to think of it.. do you really want to leave? That world might as well have expired. Like absolutely nothing to due. Besides remember we have clones to take over if we ever disappear on that world..? Cant we just stay here?'

'You really want that..?'

'I think.. but are you?'

'I dont know, give me time to think.'

'Of course.'

'What about that blonde kid? He just got destroyed.'

'Yeah but, dont you feel sorry? His like all alone.'

'When do i ever feel sorry?'


Iruka dismissed class. I dont know wether to wait to tell rimuru my feeling or do it soon.. Ugh. Its killing even me.

Rimuru POV

Why is hinata always acting weird? Shes always so close to me. Oh shit! Does she know? No she cant. Lets just go to our shitty apartment.

ThIrd-person POV

Heading home, they were quiet. Really quiet. Well if you could call it home, they got there and just.. slept. There wasnt much to do exept wait for graduation


A few whatever later, graduation would happend in a few days. Rimuru had made friends with blondey, but Hinata wasnt a fan. Not like she ever was. He also made friends with a few girls in the class, which she really hated.

She needed to be in the same team as  Rimuru, so they tried to keep the same skill level and teamwork whenever possible. They heard that one team would be of 4 people. Hopefully not their team is what Hinata thought, she only liked Rimuru. HER blue haired hottie.

Hinata POV

What is wrong with me? I never do act like this! Im serious Hinata! Not simp and worry about Rimuru not loving you Hinata!

But what if he actually doesnt love me? What if we arent in the same team? Oh shit..

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