From Better to Worse

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Austin POV
Well I'm back to this dump again. Everyone says that the first day of school is one of the best because you come and see your friends and catch up I guess. But for me it was not fun it was never fun. But still everyone seemed to be amused by me. So I stuck it out through that dreadful day to come home to the worst news ever.

"Guess what we are moving!" Exclaimed my mom.

"Ha...ha that's a good one, always cracking jokes" I laughed.

My mom always made me laugh because she knew that I didn't like school because it was boring and no fun. Then I look over at my mom and see that she is keeping a straight face.

"Wait your not serious? Are you?"

"Yes I'm completely serious your dad just got the news that he is being transferred to Los Angeles, California."

"You can't do this you already know I don't like school as it is. At least I have a few friends here, but if we move away I won't make any friends I will be like the loser that sits in the corner."

So let me give you a recap... I have to move all the way across the country because my dad has been transferred to work over there. So basically my life and my social status have just died because I know when I get there I will be like the new loner loser.

Then my mom says "Don't worry your dad works withe plenty of kids I'm sure he can help you make friends with kids your age"

My dad works for a company that brings people entertainment via a website called "YouTube." I mean he seems to really like his job and the website must be going crazy to be having him transferred to basically the headquarters of "YouTube" in Los Angeles.

Personally I never got into the whole "YouTube" thing, I just thought it was kind of dumb to think people are recording something or talking to a camera and uploading it.

"But how do I even know I will like these kids?" I asked.


I cut my mom off "How do I know if I even want to make friends at this new place?"

Then my mom butts in and says "You won't until you try to make friends."

So then I walk up to my room, lay on my bed and think. I know I won't make friends at my new school, I know everyone will think I'm a loser. And if my dad sets me up with friends I know they will probably be weird, they will be like the people I thought were dumb that just talked to a camera.


Ok this chapter was really short! Sorry!

I plan to post once a week!(hopefully)

But ya I hoped you liked it and don't forget to comment and like;)

--Jesse J

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